Prince Owned Nearly $1 Million in Gold Bars When He Died

By Taylor Berman

On Friday, the Carver County District Court released records detailing an inventory of Prince’s estate. While the inventory isn’t complete—unreleased recordings and videos weren’t factored into it, for example—there were some notable but not entirely surprising revelations, like the fact that Prince kept a stash of 67 gold bars and owned no stocks or bonds.

The Star-Tribune reports Prince owned 12 properties worth an estimated $25.4 million. He also had $110,000 in four different bank accounts, and the 67 10-ounce gold bars, which are worth approximately $840,000. Prince’s companies— Paisley Park Enterprises Inc., NPG Records Inc., NPG Music Publishing and LotusFlow3r—had nearly $6 million in cash at the time of his death.

Not included in the asset inventory are a number of Prince’s personal items, including the motorcycle from the Purple Rain, his jewelry, and his unreleased recordings and videos. The value of Prince’s song catalogue and other trademarks wasn’t included in the inventory, either.

Prince died last April of a fetanyl overdose. He didn’t leave a will. While dozens of people have issued claims on the musician’s fortune, Prince’s sister Tyka Nelson and his half-siblings—Sharon Nelson, Norrine Nelson, John Nelson, Omarr Baker and Alfred Jackson—are most likely to inherit the bulk of the estate. A hearing is scheduled for next week to determine who qualifies as an heir. [Vulture]

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