Prince Harry & Meghan Markle: The Funniest Reactions to Lifetime's Movie About the Royal Couple

What happened when Harry met Meghan?

On Sunday night, Lifetime aired its delightfully cheesy dramatization of the romance between England’s Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle — which, apparently, involved lions.

Though Harry & Meghan may not be the most accurate depiction of their relationship, it’s all royal watchers have until next weekend’s televised wedding.

Below, see the Internet’s best reactions to the movie.

Casting Call

Parisa Fitz-Henley is the spitting image of Meghan — and nailed her voice, too. Burgess Abernathy as Prince William? Not so much …

Inner Conflict

The line between love and hate is always thin when watching a Lifetime masterpiece, and Harry & Meghan proved no exception.

Team Meghan

People loved seeing fictional Meghan be completely unimpressed by Prince Harry’s (Murray Fraser) first-date tardiness and royal title.

Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Meghan and Harry’s second date involved an overnight trip to Botswana, a theory that Princess Diana’s spirit is possessing a lion and some sexy time.

Hating on Kate

Fake Kate (Laura Mitchell) was super critical of Meghan and counseled Harry against pursuing a relationship … and Twitter wasn’t having it.

Bye, Bella

Bella, a completely fabricated character, spilled the English breakfast tea on what it’s really like being a member of the royal family — and tried to intimidate the hell out of our heroine. She’s the Regina George of Buckingham Palace, so of course Twitter dragged her.

Making a Statement

Just like in real life, Harry issued a scathing rebuke of the press and public for their treatment of Meghan. Unlike in real life, it led to a brief breakup … and corny airport reunion.

She Said Yes

Real Harry and Meghan said they got engaged while cooking a roast chicken during a quiet night at home. Lifetime’s couple didn’t stick to that script, though.