President Joe Biden Promises Africa $2 Billion In Food Aid

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United States President Joe Biden is looking to share the wealth with another continent, as the 80-year-old leader has promised $2 billion in food aid to Africa.

The Associated Press reported the President made the announcement on Thursday (Dec. 15) during the three-day U.S.-Africa Leaders summit, the first since former President Barack Obama hosted the event in 2014. Biden asserted that “Africa belongs at the table” and committed to making a trip to the Sub-Saharan regions of Africa, though that date has yet to be determined.

This announcement was made in conjunction with Biden’s efforts to increase trade between the U.S. and Africa, as China has surpassed America in its trade with African countries. Africa has become a major power player in global relations, according to The AP, due to its growing population, natural resources, and the significant voting block in the United Nations. African leaders clarified that they hope Biden is not looking to force them to choose between the U.S. and other global partners as it pertains to trade relations.

“These are economic opportunities,” Niger President Mohamed Bazoum said. “Companies from Turkey and China come and invest in Niger in a win-win type of relationship. It is something that American investors can do as well.”

In addition to the $2 billion in food aid, Biden also committed to spending $165 million to ensure peaceful and transparent elections in the coming year. This will especially be beneficial to Nigeria, which is Africa’s most populated country at 210 million people and known for violence ensuing around election time.

Pres. Biden recently spoke out against Kanye West in the wake of his continual praise of Adolf Hitler. “Our political leaders should be calling out and rejecting antisemitism wherever it hides,” Biden said. “Silence is complicity.”

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