President Donald Trump Calls ‘Meet The Press’ Host A “Sleeping Son Of A Bitch”

President Donald Trump’s rambling, hour-long speech outside Pittsburgh today reserved special ire for Meet The Press host Chuck Todd, who was called a “sleeping son of a bitch.”

The NBC News host was lambasted along with Oprah, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and several news channels, as Trump free-associated his way through a speech designed to support congressional candidate Rick Saccone, who is locked in a tight special elections race that goes to the polls on Tuesday.

Trump made the remarks about Todd while recalling a 1999 appearance on Meet The Press where he talked about North Korea.

“You ever see the story? Where it’s 1999. I’m on ‘Meet the Press,’ a show now headed by sleepy eyes Chuck Todd. He’s a sleeping son of a bitch, I’ll tell you,” Trump said. “And they showed it this morning, 1999, and I’m talking about North Korea, ‘You gotta take them out now.’”

“And then they have Clinton saying, ‘We are pleased to announce that we have made a deal with North Korea,” Trump continued. “Well, you know how that deal turned out, right? We gave billions and billions of dollars and lots of other things. And we got nothing. But they show me young, handsome. I said, why couldn’t I look like that today? I should’ve run back then, right?”

Trump’s characterization was taken in stride by Todd, who responded via Twitter. “Don’t miss @MeetThePress tomorrow! I know folks may be tired in the morning due to springing forward, so set those clocks and DVRs now before your eyes get too sleepy,” the “Meet the Press” host tweeted.

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