Pregnant Sophia Grace Shares Rare Look Into Her Relationship With Private Boyfriend

Not everyone is claiming a starring role in Sophia Grace's road to parenthood.

The child star-turned YouTuber surprised followers Oct. 22 by announcing she was pregnant and expecting her first child. And while the 19-year-old was more than happy to share the news with her 3.4 million subscribers, she's more hesitant to disclose anything about her longtime boyfriend—her partner in parenting.

"Because I have always been in the spotlight, I feel like I want something just to keep to myself," Sophia Grace shared with E! News in an exclusive interview. "Just something that I can keep private and that I can just enjoy myself and not have to share it with everyone."

That's not to say she won't change her status from private to public in the future. "I would be completely happy to share him and I would be completely happy for him to be in my videos," she explained. "But I feel like when he's confident enough to be in them, then maybe we could do that and it'll be really fun."

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But for now, Sophia Grace and her mystery boyfriend of more than two years are celebrating privately.

Sophia Grace

"I just shared it straightaway because it's part of both of us really," the fashion designer explained of learning she was expecting. "We both have just as much to do with the situation as each other. I definitely owed it to tell him straightaway."

Fortunately, his reaction hit all the right notes.

"From the start, we were both really happy about it," she said. "Obviously both quite shocked at the start and also overwhelmed because he's young also. But now that we're getting used to it, we're both really excited."

While Sophia Grace stayed mum on how she found her special partner, she said they didn't meet through school. Instead, friends brought them together. "I live in quite a small town," she said. "So you can kind of get the general idea."

And while she doesn't exactly want to kiss and tell when it comes to her love story, Sophia Grace has no doubts that her boyfriend will excel in fatherhood.

"I definitely think he'll be a really great dad," she said. "I feel like when we met each other, we were quite young. We've sort of grown up together really…It will definitely change us into proper adults and then we can grow up together and have a family."

Until diapers need to be changed and lullabies are played in the nursery, Sophia Grace is promising to keep fans updated on her journey to motherhood online.

Instead of busting out a version of Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass" with cousin Rosie McClelland, Sophia Grace plans to post many more pregnancy updates every Saturday on her YouTube channel.

"It's definitely going to open a new chapter of video, which I'm really excited about," she teased. "But I would never say I'm completely stopping music even now that I'm going to be a mum because I really do like music and it is one of my biggest passions.

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