PornHub wants to buy Tumblr and bring back its NSFW communities

PornHub tumblr purchase

It’s amazing that Tumblr is still at all relevant. You’d think that in 2019 the microblogging platform would have gone the way of Friendster or, at the least, dipped into relative uselessness like Myspace. Yet somehow it managed to thrive — until Verizon came in and ruined all the fun. Now it looks like the floundering website may be saved by one of the Internet’s most popular destinations: PornHub.

Tumblr’s true decline began last year, when Verizon (which purchased Tumblr’s parent company, Yahoo, in 2017) decided it wanted to keep the platform PG. They banned all nude and adult content, and within months their traffic dropped 30%. What they failed to realize was that Tumblr had grown to become a comparatively safe space for NSFW users, especially those in the LGBTQ communities. Making matters worse, Verizon’s crackdown was so poorly executed that some non-pornographic material was getting banned, pissing off even the SFW users.

As a result, Tumblr came up short of revenue projections, and now Verizon is looking to unload it. And PornHub is here to pick it right back up again. PornHub VP Corey Price told BuzzFeed News that the porn streaming site is “extremely interested” in purchasing Tumblr — and immediately lifting the pornography ban.

“Tumblr was a safe haven for those who wanted to explore and express their sexuality, adult entertainment aficionados included,” Price said. “We’ve long been dismayed that such measures were taken to eradicate erotic communities on the platform, leaving many individuals without an asylum through which they could comfortably peruse adult content.”

So rejoice, pervs of the ‘Net; it looks like relief may be on the horizon thanks to everyone’s favorite zaddy, PornHub.