Porn star Ron Jeremy sued for sexual battery in LA as he also battles 35 criminal charges

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A former longtime friend of Ron Jeremy says the porn actor pinned her against a wall and sexually assaulted last May, just weeks before he was arrested in a rape case now involving 23 alleged victims.

Charity Carson filed her 13-page civil complaint Thursday, accusing Jeremy of sexual assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and gender violence.

Carson, a Florida resident, says she drove to California for a vacation in early May and picked up a friend in San Diego before visiting Jeremy at the Highland Gardens Hotel in Los Angeles amid a sightseeing tour.

She said Jeremy grabbed her hand while they were taking photos the afternoon of May 4 and tried to force her to touch his penis. Later that evening, he allegedly cornered her in a lobby bathroom, she said.

“(Jeremy) slammed the door shut and pinned plaintiff against the well and began to sexually attack her,” the complaint obtained by the New York Daily News states.

She said Jeremy “became extremely aggressive,” grabbing her breasts and wrist and again trying to force her hand onto his penis.

“Plaintiff was shaking and afraid of imminent rape,” the filing states. “Plaintiff was frantically screaming and struggling to get away from defendant throughout the encounter.”

Carson said the incident left her in a state of shock, and she wasn’t immediately sure how to report it considering she was traveling amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

She eventually filed a report with the Los Angeles Police Department on June 4, according to her complaint.

“Plaintiff made it abundantly clear with her actions and expressions that (she) did not wish to engage in sexual contact,” her paperwork states.

Carson is asking for punitive and exemplary damages according to proof presented at trial.

It was back on June 23 that Los Angeles County prosecutors first announced Jeremy was being charged with forcibly raping three women and sexually assaulting a fourth in separate incidents dating back to 2014.

Nicknamed “The Hedgehog,” Jeremy was slapped with 20 more charges in August involving 12 more women and a 17-year-old girl, prosecutors said.

The New York City-bred adult film star, whose real name is Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, picked up another seven charges last month involving six more alleged victims.

If convicted of all 35 charges, he faces a possible sentence of up to 330 years in prison, prosecutors said.


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