PopWatch Planner: Oscar noms, more 'Idol' auditions, and Kiefer's new show

PopWatch Planner: Oscar noms, more 'Idol' auditions, and Kiefer's new show

American Idol and Sundance are taking over the PopWatch planner this week, not to mention Oscar nominations! So soak up the football today and enjoy your last couple days of ‘who will get nominated’ speculation before the real guessing game of awards season gets underway. There’s also some great TV on tap, including a new Kiefer Sutherland show and the SAG awards. Have a great week!


American Idol special episode, Fox, 10p.m.

If Steven Tyler singing (or some might say, messing up) the National Anthem at the Patriot’s game wasn’t enough Steve Tyler for one day, just wait until after the NFC championship. A special auditions episode of American Idol is set to air immediately following the football game. I suspect since we’ve been spared a lot of the bad tryouts on the two episodes that aired last week, perhaps we’re in for a worst-of edition from the San Diego audition trip tonight.


Fear Factor, NBC, 9p.m.

If you were going through withdrawal from getting grossed out on network TV, don’t worry – Fear Factor is back and as ewwwww-inducing as ever. Monday’s episode is part one of a two-parter entitled “Leeches, Shaved Heads, and Tear Gas” — pretty self-explanatory.


Oscar nominations, 8:30am ET/5:30am PT

Hollywood will be up and at ‘em at 5am to hear the announcement and then will talk about who will win what or who should have been nominated nonstop for the next 5 weeks. I can’t wait! Hunger Games hottie Jennifer Lawrence will be dolling out the “it’s an honor just to be nominated” nominations live.

Check back to EW.com first thing Tuesday morning for the full report and our predictions.


Touch, Fox, 9p.m.

Kiefer Sutherland is back in his old familiar timeslot on Fox, the same one where he played Jack Bauer on 24. In the new show Touch, from Heroes creator Tim Kring, he’s playing the father of a boy who’s mute but has special powers to understand numbers and the world around him. Don’t get too excited though, tonight’s episode is just a preview; the show doesn’t officially premiere until March.


hitRECord at the Movies with Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 9:45pm (online at Sundance here)

Joseph Gordon-Levitt made his name on TV’s 3rd Rock From the Sun, but lately he’s the indie go-to guy, even scoring a Golden Globe nomination for the cancer dramedy 50/50. Did you know he’s also an internet entrepreneur and music producer? His production company hitRECord has tried some innovative approaches to online content and his Sundance event is sure to be exciting. The good news? Sundance is livestreaming it, so you can join in the fun.


The Grey opens in theaters

Dark movies continue to haunt the winter movie season as the new Liam Neeson flick The Grey hits theaters. Neeson is no stranger to battling bad guys, and he’s at in again in a story about a security guard from an Alaskan oil rig who gets stranded after his plane goes down. But this time, the bad guys are wolves. Check out a clip of the film here.


Directors Guild of America awards

One of the only awards shows that isn’t televised, the Directors Guild Awards are Saturday. For those who go, it means having to sit through speeches without music to play long-winded winners out. But for those keeping track at home, it’s a chance to see who the directors think are the year’s best – and that counts for a lot come Oscar time. We’ll have the winners list!


Screen Actors Guild awards, TBS/TNT, 8p.m.

Luck, HBO, 9p.m.

The Screen Actors Guild awards will be shown live on TBS and TNT, and streamed live on People.com. One of Hollywood’s newest honors (the first awards were only given out in 1995), and one of the triple crown of awards season, the SAGs are always a fun ride with our favorite actors.

Sunday Bonus: We can’t wait to check out the highly-anticipated horse racing drama Luck, starring Dustin Hoffman. Michael Mann directed the first episode of the David Milch (Deadwood) brainchild.