Political TV Ad Spending to Reach $4.6 Billion for 2020 Election, eMarketer Forecasts

Election years typically mean big advertising dollars going to television, and 2020 will be no different. Political advertising spending on television is expected to reach $4.55 billion for the next election cycle, according media research firm eMarketer. That means that TV will account for two-thirds (66%) of all political advertising spending, and political ads will account for 3.2% of all TV advertising. That would be an 82% jump from the prior general election cycle in 2015/2016, when political TV ad spending was $2.5 billion, as well as a higher share as TV is expected to take money away from print and radio. During the last cycle, TV took up 59.2% of the political ad market. Also Read: Why the 2020 Election Will (Briefly) Stem the Tide of Television's Declining Ad Revenue “Political spending floods the TV airwaves during the last weeks before the election, raising prices and crowding out other advertisers,” said eMarketer forecasting analyst Eric Haggstrom. “Despite cord-cutting and declining viewership, TV still offers strong reach, particularly among older Americans who are likely to vote. The vast majority of this spending goes to local broadcast or cable/satellite providers, as political advertisers focus on states, or even ZIP codes, that...

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