Pitbull & Kesha, Framed

From time to time, writing Framed wears me down a bit. I mean, I’m under contract to write a dozen captions a week. And they have to be really good, too! Sure, I get paid crazy good money, but how many captions are there in any one person’s head?

That’s why, this week, I’m happy to announce that Pitbull himself will be narrating Framed. I approached Armando (we go back a ways) and told him I wanted to feature “Timber” in my blog this week, but was feeling captioned out.

“No sweat, bro,” he said. “Why don’t I do the captions for you? I’ll bet the readers would rather hear it from me, anyway.”

I couldn’t argue with the great rapper. “I can’t thank you enough, Ar,” I replied. “I wish there was some way I could repay you.”

He thought a bit. “Well, I heard something about some crazy good money…”