Pi Day 2024: A quick math refresher and some ways that you can celebrate this 3.14

Dear mathematicians, scientists, and pie lovers of the world, your day has arrived! We are officially less than a week away from Pi Day 2024.

Whether you like apple pie, pizza pie, math, or all of the above, here is everything you need to know about Pi Day.

What is Pi?

Pi is a mathematical constant that is equal to the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. For those who are not math fans, the circumference of a circle is the distance around the outside. The diameter of a circle is the distance from edge to edge when measured through the center.

So basically, to calculate pi you would divide the circumference by the diameter. However, pi is a constant number and will always be the same for any circle of any size.

According to the official Pi Day website, Piday.org, "After measuring circular objects for thousands of years, it has always been determined that a circle is a little more than three times its width around."

The number we have landed on is 3.14. This number, with two digits after the decimal point, is most often used in simple calculations. But the reality is that pi is an irrational number that goes on forever without ever repeating itself. Humans have determined over 50 trillion digits of pi beyond the decimal point. The first 10 digits are 3.1415926535 and they literally go on forever after that. Scientists and mathematicians are still looking for more digits of pi and likely will be for a long time.

Check out the Pi Day website to see the first million digits of pi.

When is Pi Day?

As you might be able to assume from the first few digits of pi, Pi Day is on March 14.

Get it? March, 14 ... 3.14.

"Pi Day is an annual opportunity for math enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of pi, talk to their friends about math, and eat pie," according to Piday.org. "While only a handful of digits are needed for typical calculations, pi's infinite nature makes a fun challenge to memorize, and to computationally calculate more and more digits."

It also happens to be Albert Einstein's birthday.

According to History, the celebration of Pi Day dates back to 1988 when physicist Larry Shaw held a circular parade and catered fruit pies at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.

The day became an official United States holiday in 2009.

Pi Day deals and celebrations

Pi Day is celebrated around the world by math and science lovers, students, teachers, and people who just want an excuse to eat some pie.

Be careful though, don't confuse Pi Day with National Pie Day on Jan. 23 or National Pizza Day on Feb. 29.

Each year, tons of restaurants and businesses do exclusive Pi Day deals on their pizzas, pies, or other delicious treats. Here are some deals to take advantage of and keep an eye out for in 2024:

  • On March 14, Burger King customers can get a free Hershey's Sundae Pie all day long with any purchase of $3.14 or more.

  • Milk Bar customers can purchase Milk Bar Pies for 10% off on orders placed online and being shipped in the United States through March 12. According to their website, the Milk Bar Pie has a "sticky, buttery, salty-sweet filling in a hearty oat-cookie crust."

  • Blaze Pizza reward's members can get any 11-inch pizza at their nearest restaurant location on March 14 for only $3.14.

  • 7-Eleven loyalty customers can purchase any flavor large pizza on March 14 for $3.14 at 7-Eleven, Speedway, and Stripes stores using 7Rewards or Speedy Rewards.

  • 7-Eleven is also offering Pi Day rewards on March 15 through their 7NOW delivery app. Users of the app can get $14 off of a $30 purchase using the promo code PIDAYDEAL.

  • Check your local pizza shops and bakeries to see if they are participating in the celebration and running Pi Day discounts or deals.

If none of these Pi Day deals are what you're looking for you can get creative! Do a homemade pizza night with your family or try to make a new pie recipe that you have never made before. You can try custard pie, fruit pie, chicken pot pie, small hand pies, the opportunities are endless!

Mathnasium and Baskin Robbins have partnered together for Pi Day 2024 to create the Pi Day 2024 Sweepstakes. Parents and kids can enter to win a Mathnasium education scholarship and a Baskin-Robbins gift card that is equal to free ice cream for a year. You can enter the sweepstakes at mathnasium.com/pi-day. Winners will be contacted through email by March 18.

If you want to celebrate the day by testing out some of your math skills, check out the NASA Pi Day Challenge.

"You may already know all about the mathematical constant pi and how it can be used to calculate things like the circumference of a circle of the volume of a sphere. But did you know pi is also used all the time by NASA scientists and engineers to explore other planets," says the NASA website. "In this challenge, you can solve some of the same problems NASA scientists and engineers do using pi!"

Challenge yourself this pi day and check out some of the many problems that NASA has on their website. The answers to the 2024 challenge will be posted here on March 15.

Don't be afraid to reward yourself with some pizza and apple pie after all that math!

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: When is Pi Day 2024: History and some special deals