The PEZ Outlaw: 6 Things To Know About The True Crime Documentary Before You Watch On Netflix

 Steve Glew in The PEZ Outlaw
Steve Glew in The PEZ Outlaw

For as far back as I can remember, I have collected PEZ Dispensers, which have become pop culture mainstays with appearances in one of the best Seinfeld episodes or a gargantuan cameo in Ant-Man and the Wasp, for instance. I became so wrapped up in the hobby as a child that I once came up with an idea for a movie in which the central character’s obsession with the candy company drives him to illegally obtain a rare, prized dispenser. Little did I know that this heist thriller fantasy of mine was not too different from the true story of a man who came to be known as The PEZ Outlaw.

This strange story actually serves as the basis of a new movie that could be considered one of the best true crime documentaries on Netflix at the moment, if not for the fact that its subject never actually broke any laws, thanks to a loophole that worked in his favor. We will get into how that was possible and anything else that may be necessary to know before you decide to check out The PEZ Outlaw yourself, starting with a basic summary of the facts behind the doc.

The PEZ Outlaw Tells The True Story Of An International Candy Dispenser Smuggler

Co-directed by filmmakers Bryan and Amy Brandlien Storkel, The PEZ Outlaw focuses on Steve Glew — an American who took on the titular persona in the early 1990s as an ABC News profile describes. His financial troubles and newfound admiration for PEZ Dispensers inspired him to bring designs for the candy-eating tool that were unavailable in the U.S. from Eastern Europe and sell them to eager collectors in the early 1990s. Because the candy company’s trademark was not recorded with Customs and Border Protection, he was able to bring thousands and thousands of the product into the States, but that did not stop Steve McWhinnie — the head of PEZ USA known as “The Pezident” — from waging war against Glew when his amateur trading business started earning him millions.

It Is Overall A Bit Quirky In Tone, But With Bursts Of Real Tension

Steve Glew’s story is undeniably bizarre and, at times, a bit ridiculous, and The PEZ Outlaw does not shy away from treating it as such. Things get especially fun with its stylistically amusing and highly imaginative reenactments – in which Glew plays himself – and in the way it presents interviews with avid PEZ collectors who either know of the legendary PEZ Outlaw or know him personally. However, the doc is not without its serious moments, such as when Glew’s hobby turns potentially dangerous at times and the ways it affects his family.

Glew’s Family And His Mental Health Are Also Major Points Of Interest

At its core, The PEZ Outlaw is really a story about a man seeking to follow his dreams while also doing right by his family, including Glew’s son, Joshua — who accompanied him on his first trips to import PEZ Dispensers out of Europe — and his wife, Kathy, whose love story is easily the film’s most heartwarming aspect. The doc also dives into more details from Glew’s personal life, particularly his own mental health. In addition to experiencing bouts of depression before and after developing his candy dispenser trade, Glew has OCD and was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder later in life.

The Documentary Is 85 Minutes Long

A lot of true crime programs these days -- best crime docuseries on Netflix -- are told over the course of multiple episodes. However, the feature-length The PEZ Outlaw is a relatively quick watch that lasts less than 90 minutes.

The PEZ Outlaw Is Rated TV-PG For Suggestive Dialogue

Any viewers who may be curious if The PEZ Outlaw is a good choice for a family movie night on Netflix need not worry. According to platform, the documentary is rated TV-PG and may be suitable for younger viewers to see if they can take just a few curse words here and there.

Where To Watch The PEZ Outlaw

As previously established, The PEZ Outlaw is available for those with a Netflix subscription to watch as of Thursday, January 19, 2023. However, as it is not a new Netflix original movie, it is also available for as a digital rental or purchase on Amazon.

Stream The PEZ Outlaw on Netflix.
Rent or buy The PEZ Outlaw on Amazon.