Petition Asks T.I. to Donate to League of Women Voters After Female President Comments

A new petition asks T.I. to donate to the League of Women Voters after his comments last week decrying the idea of a female president.

The rapper made headlines when he said during an interview when he said he couldn’t vote for a woman to be president. “I just know that women make rash decisions emotionally — they make very permanent, cemented decisions — and then later, it’s kind of like it didn’t happen, or they didn’t mean for it to happen. And I sure would hate to just set off a nuke.”

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In a press release announcing the petition, author Tee Roby says it’s time for T.I. to “put his money where his mouth is.” T.I. has since apologized for his comments, but the Care2 petition calls for T.I. to donate to the League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, to prove his apology through actions.

You can see the official petition here.

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