Has Peter Weber Really Gotten Over Hannah Brown?

Peter Weber interview on New Years
Peter Weber interview on New Years

He fell head over heels in love with Hannah Brown on her season of The Bachelorette, and despite having a pretty steamy fantasy suite in "that" windmill with her, Peter Weber was sent home, crushed.

We all know now that things didn't exactly work out between Hannah and her chosen fiance Jed Wyatt (we're still waiting for that singing career of his to flourish.)

Things didn't work out between her and runner-up Tyler Cameron either, despite the pair having a drink together after the live After The Final Rose.


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Hannah Brown appears on Peter Weber's season of 'The Bachelor'
Hannah Brown appears on Peter Weber's season of 'The Bachelor'

Now, as it appears from the Bachelor trailer, Hannah and Peter may be giving things another shot. Of course, producers from the show are well-known for their misleading trailers, and that's probably what happened now.

Despite Hannah and Peter not getting back together, he has recently spoken out about his feelings for the former Bachelorette.

Though he thought he was ready to date new people, Peter was completely shocked to see Hannah step out of the famous limo. Who wouldn't be taken aback to see an ex unexpectedly?

Peter Wondered If He Still Had Feelings For Hannah

Peter Weber 'Bachelor' promo
Peter Weber 'Bachelor' promo

Peter was recently interviewed by Access Hollywood, and talked about how taken aback he was to see the former Bachelorette, someone he was in love with not long ago.

He said, "She starts coming out of the limo, I realize who it is (and) jaw-drop."

The new Bachelor claims he thought we was over her, however, he questioned that when he saw her again.

He claimed, "Before she came, before that first night, in my mind, I was over Hannah. I wouldn’t have taken this opportunity if I wasn’t. After I saw her that first night, I may have questioned if I was over her.”

That sure doesn't sound like great news for the other women on the show who are competing for Peter's heart.

Peter Had Real Feelings For Hannah

He has made a huge effort to let viewers know that his feelings for Hannah were real, despite their relationship appearing on a reality show.

He continued, "I think the most important thing for everyone to kind of realize watching this is everyone saw our relationship on The Bachelorette. It was a really real relationship for both of us (with) true feelings. We both really really care from each other from that relationship. Everything you’re gonna see is true and it’s raw and it’s from the heart.”

The Pair Get Very Close During Filming

Hannah Brown at an event
Hannah Brown at an event

The trailer shows the two getting extremely close when Hannah appears to host a group date, even looking as if they might kiss at one point.

He tells her, "What would you say if I asked you to come be part of the house?”

Of course, we now know this doesn't happen, especially with the fact that Hannah was on Dancing With The Stars while Peter's season was filming. However, we're still curious to know what happens between the pair.

Will they kiss? Will they have one of those famous Bachelor franchise good-byes accompanied by tears in the back of a black SUV?

Tune in on January 6 to see what happens!