Performers of the Week: Elisabeth Moss and Yumna Marwan

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Performers of the Week: Elisabeth Moss and Yumna Marwan
Performers of the Week: Elisabeth Moss and Yumna Marwan

THE PERFORMERS | Elisabeth Moss and Yumna Marwan

More from TVLine

THE SHOW | The Veil

THE EPISODE | “Grandfather’s House” (May 21, 2024)

THE PERFORMANCES | The Veil’s two main characters had their most honest — and therefore, most devastating — argument in this week’s episode. Accordingly, Moss and Marwan did some of their most gripping work in the series so far. (Seriously: These two put on one heck of a can’t-turn-away fight!)

Let’s start with Moss. Throughout the season, the Emmy winner has played MI6 agent Imogen with a slick, breezy air. Sure, she’s tasked with figuring out whether Marwan’s Adilah is a terrorist plotting a major attack on the United States, but she’s also made it clear that there are very few situations that truly make her sweat. In Episode 5’s closing scene, though, Moss had Imogen’s usual aplomb crumble as her frustration with Adilah grew. Imogen shed some uncharacteristic tears as she admitted that she did know what it was like to fear for a child’s safety, Moss’ face showing us exactly how much it pained the character to admit any truth about her past, much less such a huge one. But she also made sure to communicate that Imogen’s anger at Adilah was causing any and all artifice to slip — and the fact that none of it was working was driving Imogen insane.

Meanwhile, Marwan’s fury at Imogen’s withholding of her daughter’s location exploded in a way that was perversely satisfying. The reserved character has held back in so many ways all season, with Marwan making Adilah a quiet presence who observes all but shares little. So to watch Adilah yell at Imogen about judging her choices, Marwan’s voice raised as bitter tears pooled in her eyes, felt cathartic. Her mocking tone when she talked about Imogen’s privileged life felt kinda deserved. And when she drew in close to Moss and pointed out how similar the two women were, Marwan made the moment feel like a victory (albeit a pyrrhic one).

Both actresses told TVLine that the scene felt like the first time their alter egos were being straight with each other. If these performances are the result, here’s hoping for even more truth-telling in next week’s season finale.

Scroll down to see who scored Honorable Mention shout-outs this week…



With a penchant for quirkiness, Elsbeths titular lawyer could have easily become a caricature, but her portrayer Carrie Preston reminded us in this week’s season finale that there’s a deeply feeling person underneath that offbeat exterior. Faced with the prospect of having to leave New York and the way that upsetting idea was throwing her off her game at work, Elsbeth went through a range of emotions that seemed to surprise even her: sadness, hurt, befuddlement. When Elsbeth almost tearfully defended herself to Captain Wagner, Preston brought a new vulnerability and depth to the character, complementing her comedic skills with equally impressive dramatic chops. In her time with the NYPD, Elsbeth has proven herself to be someone who shouldn’t be dismissed, and neither should the talented Preston. — Vlada Gelman



If Thursday’s explosive hour of 9-1-1 turns out to be Bobby Nash’s last (and we hope it’s not!), at least Peter Krause made sure his character went out with a bang. The episode, which ended with Bobby clutching his heart at the scene of his own house fire, was a spotlight hour for Krause, who spent every minute reminding viewers how much Bobby means to the show — and how much we’d miss him if he ever leaves. As he prepared his team for life without him (albeit unknowingly), his choices were simple and subtle, but always effective. For his bravery, Bobby and the 118 received special medals this week, signifying that firefighters are brave enough to “go where others will not.” As far as we’re concerned, that applies to Krause’s acting, too. — Andy Swift



Quinta Brunson’s Janine is often an oasis of normalcy amid the wackier characters on Abbott Elementary, but this week’s finale let Janine be her weird self — and gave Brunson her best material of the season. Janine was hilariously overprepared for her end-of-year party, corralling her guests in pre-determined zones and planning for every possible contingency. (Brunson’s flawless lip-sync of Barbara and Melissa’s responses was an instant classic.) She generated real heat, too, when Janine and Gregory finally gave into their feelings and fell into each other’s arms after he gallantly returned to fix her porch light. There’s no need to fix Brunson’s light, though. She shines all on her own. — Dave Nemetz

HONORABLE MENTION: Jason Beghe and Tracy Spiridakos

HONORABLE MENTION: Jason Beghe and Tracy Spiridakos
HONORABLE MENTION: Jason Beghe and Tracy Spiridakos

Intelligence’s search for a serial killer came to a brutal end in Chicago P.D.s Season 11 finale, with Jason Beghe and Tracy Spiridakos delivering standout performances that hit harder than the hour’s violent assailant. The latter was firing on all cylinders in her final outing as Upton, fearlessly fending off Voight’s menacing abductor in one moment and tearfully urging the sergeant to get up in the next. Beghe, meanwhile, brought an eye-opening vulnerability to Voight in intense scenes which proved that even after a decade in the role, he still has plenty of gas left in the tank. The highlight, though, came later when both characters checked in with each other after that harrowing experience. The openness with which the pair spoke (and we know they never liked to talk about their feelings) beautifully illustrated their individual growth and served as a touching bookend to their complex relationship. — Keisha Hatchett

Which performance(s) knocked your socks off this week? Tell us in the comments!

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