‘Perfect’ Cast On A Rigorous Shoot At Los Angeles’ Iconic Sheats-Goldstein Residence — SXSW

Running into director Eddie Alcazar at the gym, actor Garrett Wareing couldn’t possibly have imagined the collaboration that would result from this chance meeting. That project, a thriller titled Perfect, premiered at SXSW yesterday.

The film follows a young man (Wareing) suffering from psychotic visions who goes through extreme processes to have them cured. “I feel like it’s almost a social commentary on how far you’re going to go to get what you want. I feel like everybody can relate to that, and I certainly did,” Wareing told Deadline, appearing at SXSW today with co-stars Courtney Eaton, Tao Okamoto and Chris Santos. “[The project] was a challenge, but as an actor, that’s what we crave, to challenge ourselves and work with directors who push us to be better.”

Sent a 40-page initial treatment which was extended into a feature script—involving a shoot at Los Angeles’ iconic Sheats-Goldstein Residence—Alcazar’s cast hit the ground running, embracing the project’s challenges, as Wareing did.

“From the beginning, [Alcazar] was just like, ‘What type of character? What type of thing?’ I was just like, ‘Just give me something difficult, fun and crazy,'” Santos recalled, “and he did.”

To take a look at Deadline’s conversation with the Perfect cast—as they discuss Steven Soderbergh’s involvement, as an executive producer on the project—take a look above.

The Deadline Studio at SXSW 2018 is presented by MoviePass.


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