People Are Genuinely Surprised By This Easter Egg In "Titanic" Spotted 25 Years After Its Release Date

Titanic was released 25 years ago and it was just added to Netflix, so lots and lots of people are currently watching it.

Jack in the water and Rose on the raft
CBS Photo Archive / CBS via Getty Images

That means people are discovering things they've never seen before, mainly because they're watching it on 4K TVs and not a crappy double VHS tape.

Close-up of Rose
CBS Photo Archive / CBS via Getty Images

One of those discoveries has gone super viral on TikTok:

Paramount Pictures

Yeah, those definitely aren't real people.

Close-up of a man, woman, and child on the deck of the Titanic
Paramount Pictures

Not at all.

Close-up of a man, woman, and child on the deck of the Titanic who are clearly fake
Paramount Pictures

People in the comments were equally surprised.

"Wait — what" and laugh-cry emoji

People compared it to Polar Express.

"It's giving polar express"

They called it something out of The Sims.

"Total Sims Titanic version 1.0!" and laugh-cry emoji

And my personal favorite was this person who said you wouldn't notice THAT on VHS.

"You wouldn't notice that on VHS" and laugh-cry emoji

Others pointed out that this was 1997, after all!

"Not bad for 1997"

For the '90s, this was cutting edge!

"For the '90s this was freaking fantastic"

That's some pretty impressive 25-year-old CGI. Also, what do you expect them to build, a whole-ass Titanic replica?

"Considering this was released in the late 90s, that's pretty decent CGI!"

Either way, no matter what, I will *forever* point out this scene when I'm watching with somebody.

"Our good tvs are ruining old movies now" and three laugh-cry emojis