21 Mind-Blowing Films That Literally Changed People's Lives

Recently, Reddit user u/April222001 asked, "What movie legitimately blew your mind?" and there were so many great submissions. Here are some of the most mind-blowing films of all time!

Adult Swim


1.Planet of the Apes

poster for the film

Why it's mind-blowing: for its end reveal that they're on Earth.

Taylor sees the statue of liberty on the beach and says "oh my god, i'm back, i'm home"
20th Century Fox

Watch the iconic twist scene here:

2.Jurassic Park

poster for the film

Why it's mind-blowing: for the story and special effects.

Alan and Ellie looking at the brontasaurus in shock and saying "it's a dinosaur" as Ian says "you did it, you crazy son of a bitch, you did it"
Universal Pictures

Watch the above scene here:

3.The Truman Show

poster for the film

Why it's mind-blowing: for its unique story about someone living in a TV show — only they don't know they're in a TV show.

Christof says "While the world he inhabits is counterfeit, there's nothing fake about Truman himself" and Truman says "It's like the whole world revolves around me. Everybody seems to be in on it"
Paramount Pictures

Watch the trailer here:


Arrival poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for its end twist that the little girl Louise sees are actually visions of her daughter — who will die young — in the future.

Louise asks who the child is and Costello says she sees the future
Paramount Pictures / Sony Pictures Releasing International / Stage 6 Films

Watch the twist here:


film poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for its sudden tonal shift from mild comedy to horror.

Chung-sook looks on in shock as Moon-gwang feeds her husband
CJ Entertainment

Watch the moment the tone completely shifts here:

6.The Sixth Sense

poster for film

Why it's mind-blowing: for its twist that the hero has been dead the whole time.

Malcolm flashes back to Cole telling him dead people don't know they're dead
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Watch the movie's trailer here:


Memento poster

Why it's mind-blowing: both for the way it's presented in backward scene order and for its twist that Lenny is the one who killed his wife.

Teddy telling Leonard that Sammy didn't have a wife and that Leonard's wife was the one with diabetes

Watch the reveal here:

8.The Prestige

poster for the film

Why it's mind-blowing: for its twist that Borden is actually two people...

Angier asks if Borden was Fallon the whole time, and Borden says "We were both Fallon"
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution / Warner Bros. Pictures

...and also for its stellar closing monologue.

Cutter explains magic tricks and say people look for the secret but don't really want to know because "You want to be fooled" as we see dead Angiers in the theater
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Watch the ending scene here:

9.Fight Club

Fight Club poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for its twist that Tyler and the Narrator were the same person...

The Narrator realizes they're the same person and Tyler says "That's right"
20th Century Fox

...and also its stellar closing line/mindfuck ending:

Tyler says "You met me at a very strange time in my life" as the city falls apart
20th Century Fox

Watch the twist here:


poster for the film

Why it's mind-blowing: for its stellar performances and ending, when David discovered his wife's head was in the box and that he was meant to fulfill the seventh sin.

John Doe saying he took David's wife's head as a souvenir and David shouting "What's in the box??!?"
New Line Cinema

Watch the famous "What's in the box?" scene here:

11.The Usual Suspects

poster for the film

Why it's mind-blowing: for its twist that Verbal is Keyser Söze, which basically set the standard for movie twists and villain reveals...

Kujan stares at the fingerprints
Gramercy Pictures

...and its ending scene/line.

Soze saying "The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like that, he's gone"
Gramercy Pictures

Watch the reveal and ending here:

12.About Time

the film's poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for seamlessly blending sci-fi/time travel and comedy, and causing basically everyone to have an existential crisis.

James tells Tim the men in their family can time travel, and Tim thinks he's joke — once he realizes he's not, he says "It's gonna be a complicated year" and his dad James says "it's gonna be a complicated life"
Universal Pictures

Watch the trailer here:

13.Schindler's List

poster for the film

Why it's mind-blowing: for being a devastating masterpiece based on a real person.

Itzhak gives Oskar a ring that says "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire" and Oskar says he should've gotten more people out — Itzhak replies 1100 people are alive because of him
Universal Pictures

Watch the trailer here:


Inception poster

Why it's mind-blowing: its SUPER-trippy plot. It practically invented the word "mind-blowing."

Dom tells Ariadne that dreams feel real when you're in them and you don't usually remember how your dream started. He then asks her how they got there, and Ariadne doesn't remember. She realizes they're dreaming
Warner Bros. Pictures

Watch the trailer here:

15.Avengers: Endgame

Endgame poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for being a) the highest-grossing movie of all time and b) the culmination of 21 MCU films.

Natasha says "Thanos did exactly what he said he was going to do. He wiped out 50% of all living creatures"

Watch the trailer here:

16.Star Wars: Rogue One

rogue 1 poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for reinvigorating the Star Wars series and for its devastating ending.

Cassian tells Jyn, "Your father would've been proud of you, Jyn," and they hug as they die

Watch the trailer here:


Gravity poster

What it's known for: being visually stunning and having a devastating (and stressful) climax.

Matt tells Ryan to let him go because he's pulling her down and Ryan refuses
Warner Bros. Pictures

Watch the trailer here:


Frailty poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for being an extremely underrated thriller.

the dad asks fenton if he's afraid, and if so of what — Fenton says "you" — the dad says "Only demons should fear me. You're not a demon...are you?"
Lions Gate Films

Watch the trailer here:

19.The Matrix series

The Matrix poster

Why they're mind-blowing: for being some of the best sci-fi films of all time.

Morpheus gives a speech: "I stand here before you now, truthfully unafraid. ... Because I remember ... that I am here not because of the path that lies before me, but because of the path that lies behind me. After a century of war, ... WE ARE STILL HERE!"
Warner Bros. Pictures

Watch the trailer for the first film:

20.Children of Men

Children of Men poster

Why it's mind-blowing: for its cinematography, especially its long takes and the way blood splattered on the camera in scenes, which was kept in.

blood splatters pointed out onscreen
Universal Pictures

Watch the scene u/Savings_Inflation_77 was talking about:

21.And finally, Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope

poster for film

Why it's mind-blowing: for its special effects and re-inventing the sci-fi genre.

as their ship is attacked, C3PO says "Did you hear that? They shut down the main reactor! We'll be destroyed for sure!" and R2D2 beeps in response
Lucasfilm / Via youtube.com

Watch the opening sequence here:

What movie blew your mind and/or changed your life? Let us know in the comments!

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.