The New "Mean Girls" Movie's Tagline Is Causing Millennials To Absolutely Melt Down

The trailer for the Mean Girls musical movie came out today!

It's the talk of the town, and I've picked up on people discussing two things.

Paramount Pictures/ Twitter: @MeanGirls

The first is the fact that there's literally no music in the trailer, which is weird because it's a MUSICAL.

Screenshot from the "Mean Girls" musical movie
Paramount Pictures

The second is the tagline:

"This isn't your mother's mean girls"
Paramount Pictures

Yep, they're calling you old.

Twitter: @alplicable

Millennials are melting down.

PBS/ Paramount Pictures/ Twitter: @heyfuglies

From "Not them wanting to put me in a home at the age of 27"...

Paramount Pictures/ Twitter: @hadyoubigtime

... to "Bold of them to assume millennials have children."

Paramount Pictures/Twitter: @fake_estate_

It's honestly a "chilling phrase."

Paramount Pictures/Twitter: @derpo377

And frankly, what the hell, Tina Fey?! That's just straight-up cruel.

Paramount Pictures/Twitter: @matthewichoi

Like, they must be trolling.

Paramount Pictures/ Twitter: @jacintadawn

Anyway, see ya at the old folks home! <3

"I'll be goddamned."
20th Century Fox