People Had a Lot of Green Screen Fun on Twitter With Melania Trump’s RNC Dress

It certainly seems that by now, there shouldn’t be a fashion designer on earth unaware of both the proliferation of affordable video editing software, and the internet, but it seems some of the world’s most powerful people keep such designers on retainer. Like Melania Trump, who appeared alongside her Donald on Thursday for the final night of the Republican National Convention wearing a lime green dress almost the exact color of standard green screen.

You can probably guess what happened next. Melania’s dress became the vessel through which hundreds of people on Twitter mocked the night’s proceedings by superimposing video of everything from the weather, to coronavirus statistics, to current events and more.

Here for instance is Melania, walking down the steps in “Total U.S. coronavirus deaths”:

Also Read: Watch Rachel Maddow's Rapid Fire Fact Check of Trump's RNC Speech (Video)

Here she is with the weather report:

Here she is repping what some have called “the worst TikTok in history“:

Here she is apparently showing her support for Democratic Presidential Candidate Joe Biden:

Also Read: Hundreds Protest Outside White House During Trump RNC Speech

Here she is enjoying the stick bug meme:

Here’s another look at how COVID-19 has affected the country:

And finally, here’s “The Daily Show” reminding everyone who Donald Trump took a lot of photographs with:

The moral of the story: Don’t wear this color green, people. The meme you avoid could be your own.

Read original story People Had a Lot of Green Screen Fun on Twitter With Melania Trump’s RNC Dress At TheWrap