Paul Thomas Anderson Knows What His ‘Star Wars’ Movie Would Be Like: ‘F*cking Over-Long and Depressing’

Rian Johnson is currently earning critical acclaim for “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” with many critics and fans surprised he was able to execute his own vision of what a “Star Wars” movie should be. “The Last Jedi” is nothing like “The Force Awakes,” and Johnson managed to craft a funnier, more character-focused installment of the space franchise.

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Considering Lucasfilm has been at the center of controversy for firing directors over creative and stylistic differences, it’s something of a miracle Johnson was able to do his thing on “The Last Jedi.” But would the company be ready to let other auteurs like Paul Thomas Anderson step into the director’s chair? Probably not anytime soon, but Anderson already knows what his “Star Wars” film looks like.

“It’s fucking over-long and depressing, probably,” Anderson recently told Fandango. “Moody. Obtuse. And look, you know… if it ticks the box of rebels vs. empires, in any form, I’m in. That story never gets old for me. And particularly right now, it’s a really good time for a nice rebel alliance story again. So not only am I a fan of those, but a gigantic fan of ‘Star Wars.’ I can’t wait to see what they’ve done.”

Anderson admitted to Fandango that he’s excited for “The Last Jedi” and dying to know more about Rey’s parentage. “That’s the most pressing question to me about that story,” he said. “Who are the parents? There’s a lot of theories around my house. The kids have a lot of theories, and everybody’s really excited.”

Anyone who has seen “The Last Jedi” knows that Johnson reveals something major and very unexpected about Rey’s parents given all the intense speculation around who they might be. We won’t spoil that here, but the answer could be part of the reason the movie is dividing fans.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi” is now playing in theaters nationwide.

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