Paul McCartney: Singer performs duet at Buenos Aires concert with 10-year-old fan

Paul McCartney does duet with 10-year-old fan during concert

Getting the chance to play with legendary musician Paul McCartney is something most people will go their whole lives wishing for. On Tuesday a 10-year-old got her shot.

During his concert in Buenos Aires, Argentina, McCartney invited a young fan, Leila, onto the stage. The musician asked if she wanted him to sign her doll, but she had a more ambitious request. “I want to play the bass with you,” she said.

A surprised McCartney agreed. “This could be interesting,” he said. A white bass guitar, almost the size of the youngster, was quickly brought out for her as the two went on to jam to the Beatles’ classic, “Get Back.”

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The duet received a huge reaction from Leila’s hometown crowd. Once finished the two shared an embrace and said, “Muchas gracias.”

Watch the full video above.