Paul Manafort Lied To Feds “Multiple Times” In “Multiple Ways”, Robert Mueller Says In Court Filing

Paul Manafort, the convicted felon and former Donald Trump campaign chairman, likely isn’t feeling all that merry this holiday season. And the news got no better today when Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed court documents saying the D.C. veteran lied to him “in multiple ways and on multiple occasions.”

Those falsehoods are behind Manafort’s breach of his plea deal with Mueller’s team, and today’s filing is the first time prosecutors have outlined how and why that happened.

The oft-redacted document lays out Manafort’s lies regarding several major issues after he had agreed to cooperate with the feds. It calls out his “contact with [Trump] administration officials,” dealings with the shady Russian Konstantin Kilimnik, an also-shady wire transfer and more.

The court filing came not long after a pair of sentencing memoranda regarding former longtime Trump fixer Michael Cohen — one from Mueller and the other from federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, which includes Manhattan.

Manafort first is set to be sentenced in early February for his multiple felony convictions on financial counts in Virginia this year. He’ll face a judge for sentencing on the plea-deal breach in March.

Manafort has been jailed in Virginia since his June conviction there.

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