Pat Sajak drunk behind the 'Wheel': Can you get a DUI for that?

Pat Sajak drunk behind the 'Wheel': Can you get a DUI for that?

Pat Sajak may have seen more than just the Wheel spinning during his time hosting Wheel of Fortune.

In an interview with ESPN2’s Dan Le Batard, the longtime game show host admitted that he and wing-woman Vanna White used to hit the bar for margaritas during two-and-a-half-hour breaks filming the show.

“Vanna and I would go across and have two or three or six and then come and do the last shows and have trouble recognizing the alphabet,” said Sajak. “They’re really great tapes to get a hold of.”

While the Internet scrambles to come up with as many puns as possible (and searches YouTube incessantly for these clips), one can envision the hidden gems in old episodes, seen through the lens of this new revelation. With his Confucius-like knowledge of wordplay and a physique like an aging Ken doll, Sajak has been a constant source of entertainment on Wheel since 1983. I can only imagine how much more wonderful the viewing experience would be if I had known that Sajak and Vanna were _bsol_tely w_sted. Perhaps Vanna stumbled on her way to revealing a very witty ‘Before and After’ while Sajak told each contestant how much, no, really, how much I love, no really, man, I love you.

“I have no idea if the shows were any good,” said Sajak. “But no one said anything, so I guess I did OK.”

Well, at least he remembers two letters.

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