This Parody of the Viral BBC Interview Is Better Than 'SNL'

Photo credit: Twitter/KevOnStage
Photo credit: Twitter/KevOnStage

From Esquire

By now, you've probably seen the BBC interview where a father, who was being interviewed on TV from his home office, gets ever so rudely interrupted by his kids wandering into the room and onto live television. If you haven't, correct that immediately by watching the viral clip.

It's the type of scene that naturally lends itself to parody, as comedian and actor Kevin Fredericks noticed. So, Kevin decided to create his own version of the viral video, complete with dabbing.

It begins with an adorable kid in a suit speaking to a camera when in wanders another kid, waving his hands in the air like he just don't care. Next enters the dad, to hilarious effect, who tries to remove the kid from the room. Just watch. It's a parody worthy of Saturday Night Live.

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