Paris Jackson defends father Michael Jackson: “chillax my dudes”

Michael Jackson and Paris Jackson

The new documentary Leaving Neverland has brought renewed scrutiny to Michael Jackson’s past relationships with underage boys and allegations of sexual misconduct. However, Jackson’s only daughter, Paris, is standing by her father.

Earlier this week, TMZ reported that Jackson, 20, “firmly believes” her father is innocent of the allegations levied against him. She’s since taken to Twitter to address the documentary and respond to both fans and critics of her father.

Jackson initially tweeted, “y’all take my life more seriously than i do. calm yo tittaaaaysss.” After receiving some blowback for the flippant nature of her comment, she sought to expound on her stance: “i didn’t mean to offend by expressing that titties should be calm, i know injustices are frustrating and it’s easy to get worked up. but reacting with a calm mind usually is more logical than acting out of rage and also…. it feels better to mellow out.” She added, “smoke some weed n think about the bigger picture. chillax my dudes.”

When a supporter of Jackson argued that “the bigger picture is your father’s legacy ruined and his name smeared forever,” Jackson responded, “so….. not love and peace and trying to carry that message out? tabloids and lies are the bigger picture? i’ll pray for you.”

“No, they want to tear his name down and stop playing his music but it’s cool like who cares that he died for this,” the fan responded. Jackson replied, “yeah they do that to everyone with a good heart and tries to make a dfference but do you really think that it’s possible to tear his name down ? like do you truly believe they stand a chance ? relax and have peace.”

Another supporter of Michael Jackson tweeted to Paris, “I guess that’s what the media wants… Is to get a reaction. Maybe if they see we’re not bothered by their lies and garbage stories they’d get bored and mellow out with their fairytales lol.” Jackson quoted the tweet in agreement, adding, “if everyone reacted this way towards articles, they’d stop making lies and start writing actual news.”

Jackson later replied to an article reporting on her comments, saying, “you forgot the very vital part where i say ‘smoke some weed and chill out.'”

You can find Jackson’s tweets below.