Parents Claim They Spent Their Daughter’s College Fund Sending Her To Rehab

Mark and Melissa say their 17-year-old daughter, Malia, dropped out of school after grade 6, is a repeat runaway, and has a history of drinking and taking street drugs.

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The former couple says they’ve spent their daughter’s college fund putting her through rehab, twice. Melissa says it didn’t work, “Because she needed to want help, and she refused.”

“That’s how I got into meth is going to that place,” claims Malia. She says she met the man who introduced her to the drug there.

Malia says she was 15 when she became involved with Charles Jackson, a 35-year-old man she refers to as her “boyfriend.” Jackson was arrested in September and is currently awaiting trial on assault, attempted murder, and contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor, among other charges; to all of which he has pleaded not guilty.

She says she will “always be there for Charlie,” regardless of what happens.

Malia says she wants to move back in with her mom and work toward having a “normal” life. Why do Malia’s parents say that’s not currently an option?

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Mom To Runaway Teen: ‘You Suck The Life Out Of Me’