Parent Guide: Metamorphabet

Parent Guide: Metamorphabet
Parent Guide: Metamorphabet

About Metamorphabet

A playful and interactive app that lets users of all ages interact with letters of the alphabet. As the user taps through the letters morph into various items that start with that specific letter. As the letters transform the letter and word are read aloud. Kids unlock new letters after they discover different words and sounds for the previous letter.

Platforms:  iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android

Rated: 4+

Price: $4.99

Parent Guide

Best for: Ages 3 and up





Mature Content





Kids will enjoy the interactive element of each letter. There are no rules or objectives to the game other than exploration. Kids will drag, tap and watch the letter morph as they learn letter sounds and different words that use those letters. Some of the words may be more advanced for younger learners but that allows caregivers the opportunity to introduce new vocabulary. Once the entire alphabet is unlock users can go back through the alphabet.

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