Pamela Anderson Responds to Accusations of Racism Over Halloween Costume

Pamela Anderson Responds to Accusations of Racism Over Halloween Costume
While many praised her appearance, Anderson's tweet also caused outcry, with some responding by accusing her of racism.

Pamela Anderson has responded to being accused of racism after dressing up as a Native American for Halloween.

On Thursday, the former Baywatch star shared a look at her costume on Twitter, posting two photos in which she was scantily clad while holding and wearing Native American head gear.

“Happy Halloween


,” she captioned the post.

While many users praised her appearance, the tweet also caused outcry, with some responding by accusing Anderson, 52, of racism and cultural appropriation.

"This is really disappointing & racist Pam, I thought you were better than this," replied one user.

Another user wrote, “AND she’s against the seal hunt #racism.”

On Monday, Anderson responded, writing, “I am against the seal hunt. It’s barbaric and unsustainable to beat baby seals - crush there skulls for a 2$ pelt that there is no market for. Makes no sense There are other ways to stay true to tradition - saving the environment 🙏.”

She then addressed the racism accusations, by posting a link to an article titled, “The Illogic of Cultural Appropriation.

The article explored how the idea of cultural appropriation goes against, “essential aspects of the greatness of a free society.”

“The basic idea is that the group or nationality or ethnicity who developed some practice should be the ones who are allowed to practice it,” author Mike Rappaport wrote. “People outside of that group are not allowed to engage in the practice. When stated in this way, the idea seems absurd. It seems to suggest that white westerners cannot practice Yoga because it was developed in India.”

The piece goes on to note that some behavior labelled as cultural appropriation is “problematic,” but “not because it involves cultural appropriation.”

“For example, if someone dressed up as a Hasidic Jew, with the various distinctive clothes and religious items, and did so in a way that indicated they were looking down on and making fun of those Jews, then that would be problematic,” states the article. “But not because they were culturally appropriating anything. The reason it would be problematic is that they would be making fun of a group. The cultural appropriation is irrelevant.”

Anderson isn’t the first celebrity to be accused of cultural appropriation.

See more below.


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