Packers Fan Mows Lawn in Cheesehead Hat to Celebrate the Start of Football Season

The start of football season makes NFL fans rejoice throughout the US. Among the more recognizable fans are the Cheeseheads who root for the Green Bay Packers, such as Michigan man Jacob Taylor.

Taylor posted video to Twitter on September 5, showing him in full Cheesehead regalia as he prepared for his team to start their season by playing the Chicago Bears.

“I just knew it was going to be a great day, with the weather and the NFL 100th season being on TV featuring Green Bay,” he told Storyful. “Mowing my lawn in my Cheesehead was just something to show my Packer pride.” It certainly turned out to be a good day, with Taylor’s idols winning 10 to 3.

Taylor’s actions during the rest of the NFL season should be worth keeping an eye on. In a YouTube video, also from September 5, he celebrated being “fired up” for game day by eating “the world’s hottest gummy bear.”

Who knows what he’ll put himself through if the Packers make it to the playoffs. Credit: Jacob Taylor via Storyful