Overwatch 2's next support hero will be "cute", but more like Mercy than anything else

 Overwatch Mercy
Overwatch Mercy

Overwatch 2's executive producer, Jared Neuss, has given fans a hint of what to expect from the game's next two heroes, saying they're "cute", but more like Mercy than a cat or a dog.

Neuss recently streamed some Overwatch 2 with several prominent streamers from the community, taking time to answer questions from the chat here and there. Overwatch 2's next two heroes, both confirmed to be support, came up eventually, with Neuss saying they're both cute, though in different ways (thanks, Overwatch Cavalry).

Despite not being able to reveal too much, Neuss did say he was confident in saying players would struggle not to find the next support cute. When pressed if that means "Mercy cute" or Jetpack Cat cute - a subtle reference to a cancelled hero from the first game - he opted for the former after being offered a dog comparison as he joked that he wasn't a fan of cats.

The conversation derails after Neuss reveals that, actually, both new support heroes will be cute, with someone from the chat asking if we're actually talking cute like Torbjörn in a bikini, which prompts more discussion than I'd care to listen for. Nothing was gained from this, gang. (We never did get an answer, if you're curious).

Elsewhere in the stream, Neuss promises that news over the PvE mode is coming soon, and not 'Blizzard soon' either. If you've been out of the loop, the mode will release this year, offering plot developments across a proper campaign. While it's a big part of what separates Overwatch 2 from the original, it didn't launch with the game last year.

Neuss also confirms that Blizzard is keen to do more charity events, though he didn't reveal if that means the pink Mercy skin created for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation will make a return.

Meanwhile, this Overwatch 2 dev has begged players to stop smurfing.