Oscars 2014: Nominees react

The 2014 Oscar nominations were announced this morning, with American Hustle and Gravity leading the way with 10 nods each, followed by 12 Years a Slave with nine.

Check out statements from Bradley Cooper, Meryl Streep, Leonardo DiCaprio, U2, and more below.

“Thank you Academy for this incredible recognition. These nominations are not just about single achievements, but rather the collective effort of hundreds of dedicated artists who made this dream a reality. On behalf of everyone involved with Gravity I want to express our deepest gratitude to the industry, the exhibitors and the public for embracing this film so passionately. A special thank you to our friends and collaborators at Warner Bros. for staying on board this journey for more than four years. I am particularly moved by Sandy’s nomination. She is the heartbeat of our film. She immersed herself in the part. And I thank her for her grace, her trust and her dedication to finding the truth of this character.” -Alfonso Cuarón, Director, Gravity

“This is just the loveliest news. I’m so happy for everybody involved, and so proud to have been part of the wonderful experience that Philomena has been.” –Judi Dench, Philomena

“We are humbled and honored that ‘Ordinary Love’ has been nominated for an Oscar… it was a privilege to be asked to write a song for this extraordinary film, Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom, and to help tell this extraordinary love story. We have been working for this great man since we were teenagers and for our song to be recognised in this way by the Academy is beyond our wildest teenage dreams.” — U2 for their song, “Ordinary Love” from Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

“This makes me want to sing out loud! I’m beyond humbled by this honor. All of the praying our ladies have done for the film’s success has clearly paid off! After 20 years in this business, to have our movie and these extraordinary women recognized by such an esteemed group, means more to me than I can ever say. My only regret is that our producer, the late Gil Friesen, isn’t here to be a part of it – I know he’s smiling down on us and would have been over the moon with the news.” –Morgan Neville, Director, 20 Feet From Stardom

“THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We are forever indebted to our late producer Gil Friesen and director Morgan Neville who have told our stories so beautifully and with such heart. We never imagined we’d be in this position and hope the film inspires everyone who sees it to keep following their dreams. Thank you to the Academy for this incredible recognition – we feel eternally blessed.” –The ladies of 20 Feet From Stardom

“I am overcome with gratitude. After spending five years with the Shinoharas, I feel privileged to have brought their unique love story and their inspiring artistry to the screen. Thank you to the Academy for this incredible recognition which I share with Ushio and Noriko without whom none of this would have been possible.” –Zachary Heinzerling, Director, Cutie & the Boxer

“I’m extraordinarily happy for all the cast and crew of our 12 Years a Slave family. This has been an amazing ride, and to receive nine nominations from the Academy is testament to all of the hard work. And for that I am truly grateful.” –Steve McQueen, Director, 12 Years A Slave

“I am deeply humbled by this honor and even happier to share today with Marty, Jonah, Terry as well as this entire cast and crew. The Wolf of Wall Street has been a passion project of mine, and I found the role to be one of the most challenging and rewarding of my career. Congratulations to all of my fellow nominees and thank you to the Academy for this extraordinary recognition.” -Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street

“This was certainly a once in a lifetime experience and the recognition from it is an absolutely thrilling bonus. I simply could not be more excited right now.” –Julia Roberts, August: Osage County

“I’m very honored to be nominated alongside such inspiring actresses. Congratulations to the cast and crew of American Hustle and Her, two films that I’m incredibly proud to be a part of.” -Amy Adams, American Hustle

“I just heard the news regarding the Oscar nomination for the special visual effects for Gravity and I am over the moon. We are up against some tough competition this year but I am keeping my fingers crossed. Gravity was one of those once in a lifetime movies and I am so happy to have been a part of it. Alfonso is an amazing director and I am thrilled he has been nominated as well for Best Picture, Directing and Editing! I would also like to congratulate my fellow nominees on Gravity, amazing work!” -Neil Corbould, SFX supervisor for Gravity

“I am truly honored and humbled by the Academy’s recognition of the incredible feat that is The Wolf of Wall Street. Making this film with Marty, Leo, Terry, Jonah and the rest of our superb cast and crew was a privilege.” – Emma Tillinger Koskoff, Producer, The Wolf of Wall Street

“Today’s Oscar nomination is without a doubt the icing on the cake of an eight-year labor of love. We set out to make a film that everyone in the family – especially fathers – can relate to: a story about the power of change. You’d think as an Oscar hopeful I’d be up at 5:30 AM glued to my television, but instead I was in the nursery of my 10 month old twins experiencing the real power of change – that of diapers. This film has taken the work of over 300 talented artists at DreamWorks Animation to produce and on behalf of our entire crew, I send a huge thank-you to the Academy and raise a bottle baby in toast to our fellow nominees!” –writer/director Kirk DeMicco, The Croods

“At no point during filming, in the sweltering heat of New Orleans, did any of us ever foresee the journey this film would take us all on. Steve McQueen created an entire family to tell one man’s tale and I am delighted that so many of this family have also been recognized today. I am hugely grateful to the Academy for this great honour, and, of course, to Solomon Northup for sharing his story through his breathtaking book.” –Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years A Slave

“Receiving this nomination from the Academy is an incredible honor. I could not be more proud of our directors-Chris Renaud and Pyer Coffin, my fellow producer Janet Healy, our nominated songwriter Pharrell Williams and each and every member of the Illumination team in Los Angeles and Paris. It is their work that is celebrated by this recognition.” –Chris Meledandri, producer, Despicable Me 2

“It feels very special, but I just really appreciate how people have responded to Solomon Northup’s story and his life. I’m just so happy for the whole crew and cast who brought Solomon’s memoir to the screen. It’s been a great year for film, and for people to consider 12 Years a Slave to be among the best is more humbling than you can imagine.” –John Ridley, Best Adapted Screenplay, 12 Years a Slave

“The challenge of building the world of the Croods was that our reference disappeared a few million years ago. Croods was woven from pure imagination. This nomination is an acknowledgement and reward to the hundreds of artists who worked so hard to bring this very human story to life. On behalf of the entire Croods team, we wish to thank the Academy for this incredible honor.” –Writer/director Chris Sanders, The Croods

“As I watched the announcement of our nomination, I was flooded with memories of all of the people who risked their lives to make this film: from Somalia to Yemen to Afghanistan and beyond. And I remembered the humility and humanity of the victims of US drone strikes and night raids who welcomed us into their homes to share their painful, harrowing stories with us. Richard Rowley and I are deeply honored by this nomination and our hope is that it will enable us to fulfill our promise to the people who live under the bombs and missiles to tell their stories to the world.” -Director Jeremy Scahill, Dirty Wars

“We are grateful to the academy for the recognition and for the privilege of being included in an amazing field of movies this year. It’s all a testament to Paul Greengrass’ artistry and Tom hanks’ craft and commitment.” – Producer Michael DeLuca, Captain Phillips

“I’m really chuffed with the Oscar nomination especially being recognised alongside such great actors. It’s a real honour.”Michael Fassbender, 12 Years a Slave

“Despite the fact of what I do for a living, I am having difficulty finding the words to express how honored I am to be nominated. Martin Scorsese is the reason I wanted to become a screenwriter in the first place; having my name is included with his on this list is more than I could ever have hoped for. I’m equally thrilled for Leo, Jonah, and our entire cast and crew who’ve been honored with a best picture nomination for their incredible work.” –Terence Winter, Best Adapted Screenplay, The Wolf of Wall Street

“My wife, son and I were all glued to the TV and internet this morning and actually got a text of the news from a friend who obviously has a faster refresh button on his computer. I’m very proud of having been a part of this film. We worked very hard each day to help bring Irving Zissman to life and are eternally grateful to have worked with someone like Johnny Knoxville. He is a true talent. What we acheived with this makeup was so exciting and unique. To witness the public being convinced that they were interacting with a real 86 yr. old man every day, over 10 months of shooting, was undoubtably the highlight of my career. To be nominated for an Oscar for work that I am so proud of is a dream come true!” –Stephen Prouty, Makeup and Hairstyling, Bad Grandpa (Read EW’s interview with Prouty)

“What an honor that Stephen Prouty got nominated for best makeup and hairstyling for Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa. Am I as stunned as everyone else we didn’t get the nod for best picture? Well of course, duh, but I won’t let that take away from my happiness for Steve, Tony Gardner, and our whole makeup team. Wahoo!” –Johnny Knoxville, Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa

“I am honored and grateful for this nomination. I love working in an industry and craft that inspires me daily and allows me to tell stories that translate humanities and move people. I share this with the entire DALLAS BUYERS CLUB family of filmmakers, cast, and crew — and the real-life Ron Woodroofs and Rayons who continue to fight and live with dignity. Thank you.” – Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club

“I am absolutely blown away by this incredible nomination. I never in my life thought I would have the opportunity to even write these words. Thank you so much to all my fellow AMPAS acting branch members for this honor. Today you not only honor me but also all those around the world living with AIDS and all those we have lost to this disease. Thank you for recognizing them and recognizing their struggle through DALLAS BUYERS CLUB. This was a fascinating story told by a group of incredibly passionate and committed filmmakers who wanted to create something special and shine a light on a unique and important story. I’m proud to be a part of this celebration and so very grateful to you all. A huge congratulations to Matthew McConaughey, Robbie Brenner, Rachel Winter, Craig Borten, Melisa Wallack, Jean-Marc Vallée, Martin Pensa, Adruitha Lee, and Robin Mathews.” –Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club (Read EW’s interview with Leto)

“What a beautiful way to continue the incredible adventure that has been Dallas Buyers Club. My collaborators and I have had an amazing time making this film. Today we all share a collective sense of pride as we have had the opportunity to spotlight a part of history that’s both beautiful and sometimes painful to remember, and been able to tell a story which has touched the hearts of many.” –Director Jean-Marc Vallée, Dallas Buyers Club

“We are stunned and honored. What a perfect culmination to such an amazing 20-year journey. Thank you, members of the Academy.” –Craig Borten & Melisa Wallack, Best Original Screenplay, Dallas Buyers Club

“I am beside myself with excitement to receive my first Academy Award nomination! Dallas Buyers Club was the little movie that could, and did. My research for this film came straight out of my 1980s appointment book from my old salon in the South. Later, I had to run over that wig of Rayon’s at least a dozen times with my car to make it look right for her. I want to thank Matthew McConaguhey and Jared Leto for ‘going there’ with me, and I want to thank our director Jean-Marc Vallée for believing in me, my work, and all my efforts to bring his vision to life. And, thank you Academy members!” –Hairstylist Adruitha Lee, Makeup & Hairstyling, Dallas Buyers Club

“On behalf of the small but mighty crew of hand-drawn and CG artists from “Get A Horse!”, we want to express our deepest gratitude to the Academy for the nomination. We hoped the short would be seen as a love letter to Mickey, to Walt and to the magic of cinema, and have been overwhelmed by the response.” –Director Lauren MacMullan and Producer Dorothy McKim, Short Film, Get A Horse!

I’m so proud of this movie and am very thankful to the Academy. It’s an honor to be nominated alongside other great artists.” –Thomas Newman, Original Score, Saving Mr. Banks

“We are humbled and honored by the Academy’s recognition of The Wolf of Wall Street. What brilliantly started on the page with Terence Winter’s script evolved into a unique, bold, and uncompromising execution in filmmaking. Martin Scorsese continues to be the preeminent filmmaker of our time, weaving together incredibly unique characters to form stories that both provoke and captivate the imagination. Leonardo DiCaprio’s tenacity, passion and fearlessness in front of the camera has brought to life a character that will be etched in our minds forever. Jonah Hill is a diverse young force that challenges everyone around him, he is the true definition of “going for it”. Terence Winter’s wonderful adaption has given life to the colorful characters of Wolf, and was the beginning of a journey that lead us to this moment. We are thrilled that the Academy has embraced his extraordinary film.” – Producers Riza Aziz and Joey McFarland, The Wolf of Wall Street

“I am so happy for our film that Julia and I have been nominated. We are both so proud of August: Osage County. This honor from the Academy, for which we are truly grateful, will help bring attention to our film from audiences across the country, which is thrilling.” -Meryl Streep, August: Osage County

“This is so special and surreal and I’m truly honored. The nominations by the Academy for my fellow cast members, David and the film are a true tribute to David O. Russell, our mentor. I feel very lucky and humbled today.” –Bradley Cooper, American Hustle

“First of all, I want to congratulate all of the nominees from all of the films. We are all blessed to be in this business, telling stories. In American Hustle, we tried to create characters and a world that the audience would find romantic and moving and real. I am so thrilled for my partners – my actors, my producers, Eric Singer, and the craftspeople from the film – who were honored today. They gave it their all; they poured their passion into the movie and I am truly thankful to them.”- David O. Russell, American Hustle

“To be nominated in such fine company for the film industry’s highest honor is overwhelming. We share in this recognition with our colleagues, thanking the AMPAS Members for recognizing the work that we did on our labor of love, Dallas Buyers Club.” –John Mac McMurphy and Martin Pensa, Film Editing, Dallas Buyers Club

“I can’t thank the Academy enough for recognizing my work on Philomena. The film is such a gem! Philomena Lee’s story, beautifully conveyed by Judi Dench and Steve Coogan is universal, and it deeply moved me when I first saw it. Stephen Frears is such a master at directing drama with a subtle touch. I have been extremely lucky to work with him several times beginning first with The Queen. I am very proud of being part of Philomena‘s creative team.” –Alexandre Desplat, Original Score, Philomena

“I am thrilled beyond words that The Academy has recognized my performance in Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave and I am deeply proud to be in the company of my fellow nominees. This celebration of such an important film is simply extraordinary, and I am so pleased to be able to share it with the rest of the 12 Years a Slave family. I feel truly blessed!” –Lupita Nyong’o, 12 Years a Slave

“For decades, I kept the story of my son mine and mine alone. To be able to share it today with the world, with no less than the beautiful, brilliant actors and filmmakers I had at my side, is truly a blessing. My heartfelt thanks goes to the entire team who made this movie a reality, and to those who helped to nominate it…what a humbling acknowledgment.” -Philomena Lee

“I am overwhelmed. I think I speak on behalf of the whole cast and crew when I thank all the Academy members who participated in the vote. Looking at my fellow nominees I feel very grateful. They have made amazing films and I would like to congratulate them as well. I actually awarded two of the other nominees, “The Missing Picture” and “Omar ,” prizes when I presided over the Un Certain Regard jury in Cannes. This nomination means the world to us back here in Denmark. Thanks once again.” –Director/co-writer Thomas Vinterberg, The Hunt

“I had already felt overwhelmingly blessed to have had the creative ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity that I did on ‘Gravity.’ The life experience I garnered on this journey is something for which I will forever be grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you to the Academy for including all of us amongst nominees that have left us in awe with their work this year.” -Sandra Bullock (Read EW’s interview with the actress)

“Thank you to the Academy for this nomination for Best Costume Design. I’m so proud to be a part of a project that takes the craft of film to new heights. I’m grateful for the wonderful collaboration of my American Hustle filmmaking family – David O Russell, our producers, the entire cast and crew, and most especially my incredible costume team. We all put our hearts and souls into this film, and it is a great honor to have our work recognized by the Academy.” – Michael Wilkinson, Costume Design, American Hustle

“Thank you Academy! I’m so thrilled about this nomination. It’s amazing news for the film. I’m very proud of the collaboration with Wong Kar Wai during this most beautiful journey, shot over 3 years in China. Kar Wai gave me the opportunity to express a visual language with a lot of passion and respect.”Philippe Le Sourd, Cinematography, The Grandmaster

“I’m so pleased to learn that the score from ‘The Book Thief’ has been nominated by the Academy Music Branch. Working with director Brian Percival and his brilliant cast was an absolute joy, and I’m gratified that the Academy has chosen to recognize this very special film.” John Williams, Original Score, The Book Thief

“It’s a great honor to receive this nomination from the Academy. I had a great team on The Wolf of Wall Street, and we all worked together to give the picture the special energy that it needed. I could never have done it without them, and I think of this nomination as a way of recognizing the whole group and what they achieved.” -Martin Scorsese, Directing, The Wolf of Wall Street

“We are immensely grateful to the Academy for their recognition of 12 YEARS A SLAVE. Solomon Northup’s story is a testament to the endurance of both a man as well as narrative, for which movies were borne. We feel so privileged to have had a small part in its telling. The lion’s share of credit goes to Steve McQueen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Lupita Nyong’o, Michael Fassbender, John Ridley, Joe Walker, Patricia Norris, Adam Stockhausen, Alice Baker, and the cast and crew and the city of New Orleans, for whom resilience is a muscle – may we all learn it, before we need it.” Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner of Plan B Entertainment, 12 Years a Slave

This post will continue to be updated with more statements.