The Orphan: First Kill Trailer Is a Chilling Look at Esther's Origins

Prepare to be scared.

Paramount released the official trailer for Orphan: First Kill, the highly anticipated prequel to the 2009 film Orphan, July 13. In the preview, Julia Stiles plays Tricia Albright, a mother reunited with her daughter Esther (Isabelle Fuhrman), who was missing for four years.

"Be prepared for changes," a figure warns Tricia. "Four years is a long time. What she needs right now is her family."

But when Tricia and her husband Allen (Rossif Sutherland) bring Esther home, the family faces unexpected challenges. Esther is oddly aggressive towards Tricia, grabbing her mother's wrists and behaving abnormally. Tricia initially shrugs it off, saying, "I think something is going on with Esther."

Even Esther's brother (Matthew Finlan) notices something is off, pointing out that Esther's artistic talents have progressed tenfold since she disappeared. "How is that possible?" he questions. "Four years ago she was only drawing stick figures."

Horror Movie Heroines

Soon enough, detectives and Esther's therapists begin to see signs that Esther isn't really who she says she is, sending the young girl into a murderous rage.

But everyone's right—Esther's not who she claims to be.

The 2009 movie Orphan reveals that Esther is a 33-year-old woman who escaped an Estonian psychiatric hospital and terrorized families, posing as a young girl before killing them. That is, until Vera Farmiga's character Kate figures out Esther's scheme and kills her.

More than a decade has passed since Isabelle, who was 12 when they filmed the first movie, originated the role. Now, she's back, with teen actor Kennedy Irwin serving as a body double.

Orphan: First Kill premieres in select theaters and on Paramount+ Aug. 19.

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