Orionids meteor shower to light up Bucks County skies next week. When to catch it

Stargazers in Bucks County are in for a visual delight, as the Orionids meteor shower is set to light up the skies next week.

The Orionids meteor shower is just the beginning of the fall meteor shower season, and will be followed by the ​Taurids​, Leonids, Geminids, and Ursids.

Here's how to observe the Orionids meteor shower and what makes it so impressive.

What is the Orionids Meteor Showers

NASA notes Orionids meteor showers are considered to be one of the most beautiful showers of the year.

Orionid meteors are known for their speed and brightness.

Orionids Meteors, shown here over Inner Mongolia. An Orionids meteor shower will be visible from Bucks County beginning on Tuesday, Sept. 26. NASA said peak viewing conditions for the Orionids meteor shower will be Saturday, Oct. 21.
Orionids Meteors, shown here over Inner Mongolia. An Orionids meteor shower will be visible from Bucks County beginning on Tuesday, Sept. 26. NASA said peak viewing conditions for the Orionids meteor shower will be Saturday, Oct. 21.

Orionids travel at about 148,000 mph into Earth's atmosphere, and can produce glowing trains, or incandescent bits of debris in the wake of the meteor, which can last for several seconds to minutes.

Fast meteors can also sometimes become fireballs.

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How to observe the Orionids Meteor Showers

The Orionids meteor shower will be active beginning Tuesday, Sept 26, and should be visible through Wednesday, Nov. 22.

The peak viewing window for the Orionids meteor shower is Saturday, Oct. 21.

According to NASA, the Orionids meteor shower will be visible in the northern hemisphere in the hours between midnight and sunrise.

NASA advises the best way to view the Orionids meteor shower is by finding an area away from street lights, and to lie flat on your back with your feet facing southeast. Then look up and take in as much of the sky as possible.

In less than 30 minutes in the dark, your eyes will adapt and you will begin to see the Orionids meteors.

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Four more meteorite showers visible from Bucks County

The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources notes there are four other meteorite showers that will follow the Orionids meteor shower.

The ​Taurids​ meteor shower will be visible from Wednesday, Nov. 1 through Wednesday, Nov. 15.

The Leonids meteor shower will be visible from Tuesday, Nov. 14 through Saturday, Nov. 18.

The Geminids meteor shower will be visible from Sunday, Dec. 10 through Sunday, Dec. 16.

And the Ursids meteor shower will be visible from Thursday, Dec. 21 through Saturday, Dec. 23.

This article originally appeared on Bucks County Courier Times: Orionids meteor shower to light up Bucks County skies. How to observe