Opinion/Letters: Failed design of Titan sub to blame for deaths, not the passengers

Sometimes the arrogance of intellect and monied privilege gets ahead of practicality and pragmatism. The owners of the lost sub need to analyze their intention. And if they don’t, maybe the courts will.

Was the sub designed and built for its intended use? Obviously, the answer is no, proved by its failure. Millions of dollars were spent, and the safety of rescuers was placed unnecessarily at risk. Waiving one’s rights as a passenger does not excuse responsibility for failed design and construction of a vessel that was intended to dive to such depths. Lack of testing of the vessel led to its implosion, an accusation from a former employee, fired for his dire warnings.

Andy Voikos, Barnstable

Chief Sonnabend to answer questions about Hyannis shooting

The events related to the shooting last Sunday on Main Street Hyannis were very upsetting for all of us, I'm sure. It is difficult to comprehend that kind of brazen action in daylight on a street filled with people.

The offenders have all been arrested now, thanks to the quick work of the Barnstable police. Chief Matthew Sonnabend asked if there is anything he can do to help allay the fears of the residents and answer any questions we may have. To that end, the Greater Hyannis Civic Association has scheduled a meeting for 5:30 p.m. Thursday at Barnstable Town Hall in the James H. Crocker Jr. Hearing Room, 367 Main St., 2nd Floor, Hyannis. The meeting will run until 7 pm. I hope that you will join us.

Betsy Young, Hyannis, president of the Greater Hyannis Civic Association

Machine gun range opposition driven by environmental concerns, not anti-military sentiment

The writer of "‘Let our soldiers train’: Association to Preserve Cape Cod has reckless, callous opinion of base," (June 25) seethes in a personal attack, mocks and belittles opposition, while he misrepresents facts: Training and certification for M4 machine guns continue unchallenged. The fight is against a huge expansion — the destruction of hundreds of acres of pristine forest for .50 caliber tracked vehicles, with unintentional transmission and fuel leaks, which will seep into our sole source aquifer.

Shame on you, writer, for emotional manipulation, distortions and distractions, inflaming passions. The column is destructive propaganda.

We all support our men and women warriors!

Sebastian Mudry, West Harwich

Medical aid in dying would enable less painful death

We are writing in response to the article “Aid in Dying supporters renew push citing 'shifts in the dynamics'”. (June 16) All of us were in attendance at the Statehouse on Lobby Day, in support of medical aid in dying — the ability for terminally ill (less than six months life expectancy ), mentally capable adults to ask for a prescription from their doctors to receive medication to end their suffering and die in their sleep. There are many safeguards. While available in 10 states and Washington, D.C., it is not available to us in Massachusetts.

We had loved ones die with significant pain and suffering in spite of hospice care, which helped our loved ones. Even in a time when palliative care is available, many people die with uncontrollable pain. Medical aid in dying gives the individual an option, in consultation with two physicians and a mental health provider, to curtail their suffering at the very end of life. Who among us does not wish to die in our sleep?

We are asking you to contact your state senators and representatives and ask them to join Sens. Julian Cyr and Susan Moran and state Reps. Dylan Fernandes and Christopher Flanagan in cosponsoring Senate Bill S1331 and House Bill H2246, An Act Relative to End of Life Options. We want you and your loved ones to have an option for a more peaceful death in your lifetime.

Roger and Cathy Kligler and Janet Simons Folger, Falmouth

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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Letters: Titan sub implosion the fault of OceanGate, not passengers