Oh La La! Seine River Has Shark On Loose During Big Sports Event In 'Under Paris.'

A new Netflix thriller called “Under Paris” imagines a shark terrorizing a big summer event in the City of Light. (Watch Tuesday’s new trailer below.)

The big to-do in this case is a global triathlon championship, not the Olympics. But the movie’s June 5 release weeks before this year’s Summer Games is noteworthy, as is the fact that the swimming portion of the actual Olympic triathlon will be conducted in the Seine!

So if the ticket prices won’t scare you from attending the Olympics in Paris this summer, perhaps a fictional man-eater will.

Bérénice Bejo of the Oscar-winning “The Artist” plays a scientist who discovers the shark has arrived in the Seine before the championship race, and it’s one hungry tourist.

Serves the French right for all the frog legs they’ve eaten.

The movie is in French with English subtitles but we all speak shark movie, don’t we?
