‘Once He Started Smoking Weed, He Could Not Control His Thoughts,’ Claims Woman About Her Uncle’s Cannabis Use

Jessica says her once successful uncle, Ed, had a long-standing career in the aerospace industry but lost it all when he left his home, marriage, children, and job and began street performing and preaching as “Cowboy Tygg.” Ed’s family says they believe his behaviors shifted after he was prescribed medical marijuana to manage his pain following neck surgery in 2019. “Once he started smoking weed, he could not control his thoughts,” claims Jessica. Ed’s sister, Dawn, agrees and says, “It totally altered his personality.” The family claims that since Ed started using medical marijuana, he’s had episodes of mania, been arrested multiple times, destroyed his credit, and moved across the country to Nevada, where he now lives in a motel. This episode of Dr. Phil, “From Businessman to ‘Cowboy Tygg,’” airs Monday. And later, Ed says his parents are “dead” to him. Why does he claim that they betrayed him during his time of need? Check your local listing to find out where to watch TELL DR. PHIL YOUR STORY: Hopelessly in need of Dr. Phil's Help?