Oliver’s Startling Realization Could Spell the End of ‘Arrow’

Arrow may never be the same after Oliver’s startling realization during the “Kapiushon” episode. Oliver was being held prisoner by his former friend Adrian, who also goes by the name Prometheus. In order for Oliver to be free, Adrian asked for only one thing — a confession.

Oliver tried confessing to the fact that he killed Adrian’s father, who was a terrible man, but that wasn’t enough. In fact, no matter what Oliver confessed to, Adrian kept telling him it wasn’t the one thing he was waiting to hear. Adrian said, “I want you to confess to the one thing that you’ve been afraid to admit to yourself.”

After a few flashbacks and some intense coaching from Adrian, Oliver made the realization that he killed the people on his father’s list not because it was justice but because, as Oliver said, “I wanted to, and I liked it.”

With the revelation out of the bag, Oliver said, “It’s over for me. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m shutting everything down.” Is this the end of Arrow? Probably not.

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.

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