All About October's Solar Eclipse and What It Means For Your Zodiac

This month's new moon coincides with a solar eclipse on Oct. 12, 2023, creating a breathtaking "ring of fire" appearance

<p>RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post via Getty</p>

RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post via Getty

Lunar lovers, you are not going to want to miss this!

The night sky is about to heat up because several astronomical phenomenons are set to occur when the moon passes between the sun and Earth on Oct. 14 this year, marking both a new moon and solar eclipse at the same time.

This extraterrestrial event takes place when the moon is at its farthest point from Earth. According to NASA, the annular eclipse begins in the United States, continues to Central America and ends off the coast of Natal, Brazil, in the Atlantic Ocean.

The solar eclipse starts at 8:07 a.m. PT, peaks at 9:24 a.m. PT and concludes at 10:50 a.m. PT. It's also expected to be viewable worldwide, creating a breathtaking display that will appear like a "ring of fire" around the moon.

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In addition to the astronomical occurrences that are intended to occur, solar eclipses also boast significance astrologically and are known to bring about intense changes. These cosmic events "are three times more powerful" than the new moon they fall on, astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE exclusively, adding that "they blast open a door to us as we embrace new opportunities, projects, plans and horizons."

While "most people receive news of a solar eclipse on the day it occurs," Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — says, he adds that "others may instead notice the shift in the weeks that surround it."

This solar eclipse will fall during a lunation in Libra, an elemental air sign that Thomas says will be "quite prominent in our lives at this time." As the seventh zodiac sign on the wheel. he reveals it will "align with our partnerships" and "bring a greater spotlight on relationships."

To find out what October's solar eclipse and new moon could mean for you based on your zodiac sign, per Thomas' suggestions, read on!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)



Get ready to enter a new relationship era, Aries. For those who are coupled up, Thomas says a "sudden decision to grow closer by moving in, getting engaged or being wed" may be felt during this lunation.

In contrast, if a relationship is soon to see a separation around this time, Thomas says "you’re being redirected to someone better." If single, Thomas says you might "find a soulmate who presents long-term potential now or in the months ahead."

Romance aside, Thomas says this lunation could manifest in regards to business relationships, too. "You may find the perfect one or make plans with an agent, assistant, attorney or accountant," he adds.

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)



Fresh starts in many aspects of your life are upon you, Taurus! Whether that be a new beginning at a job, milestone project or routine, Thomas says "you’re being pushed to find a better place that appreciates you better."

In addition, he says this lunation is "an excellent time to launch a new physical health, fitness, diet and exercise plan, too."

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)



Your heart may be feeling the feels, Gemini! Thomas says this solar eclipse "is bringing a jolt of passion to you around romance, true love, hobbies, fertility or creativity."

If you're single, he says you could find a connection. If you have children (or wish to), Thomas says "exciting news awaits."

Unrelated, he says artists should "prepare to channel the muse or debut a masterpiece of art."

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)



Home sweet home, Cancer. That's what this lunation is causing you to think, according to Thomas, who says "a breath of fresh air could push you to move, renovate, relocate or redecoration."

Thomas adds that it could also affect you "by bringing news around real estate" — however, he says your attention may turn "to family matters where you’ll need to step in and help them" instead.

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Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)



Thoughts and ideas are soon to swirl your mind, Leo! The solar eclipse "energizes your communications and intellect," says Thomas. "You may now debut a significant writing, speaking or advertising initiative at this time or lock down a major contractual endeavor."

However, Thomas says this lunation may instead "invigorate you to step out of town and travel, visiting nearby destinations or even deciding it’s time to link up with a sibling."

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)



Making money moves, Virgo! "You may suddenly be able to bring in more money due to a raise, side hustle or new job offer," puts forth Thomas. However, if a job or income stream comes to an end around this time, he suggests "using this as an opportunity to assess your wealth and find a better employer."

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)



Libras, your zodiac sign is ignited! The solar eclipse is "beginning a whole new era of your life," says Thomas, in the way of "sudden new beginnings, fresh starts and opportunities" that could "dangle before you" and "encourage you to take them."

Thomas stresses, "This is one of the most important points in your lifetime to be clear about what you want and carve out the next chapter in your destiny."

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)



Craving that R&R, Scorpio? Thomas says this solar eclipse "is giving you the chance to start a fresh slate in regards to your mental health." He says. "Consider connecting with a therapist, counselor or specialist to give you advice on how to streamline your life and be happier and more efficient."

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)



A glorious new beginning awaits you, Sagittarius. This solar eclipse could unlock a doorway to one of your heart’s hopes and dreams. Not only this, but you may be able to expand your network, join communities that love and support you or even meet a platonic soulmate. Know what fills you with joy and pursue it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)



Get ready for a whole new era in your professional life, Capricorn. The solar eclipse will open a doorway in regard to your career, ambitions and public recognition. A big opportunity to step up the ladder may manifest, especially in the form of an award, promotion, new job offer or publicity. Reach for the stars!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)



Embrace a fresh start and new horizons, Aquarius. The solar eclipse will help you step out of your comfort zone and see what else lies out there. You may pursue long-distance travel or even immigration. Others may decide to go back to school — or if already in school — have a major moment with their studies. Lastly, if you’re involved with the media, publishing or international business, something fresh awaits.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)



It’s time for a fresh start, Pisces. Thomas says this is especially true in what you decide to “share, give and receive.” He explains, “If you’re on steady ground, you’ll likely discuss deepening your rapport” and “feel magnetically drawn to one another.”

Elsewhere, Thomas says you could be affected by “hearing news of a large settlement, payout, scholarship or inheritance.” He continues, “Consider getting further involved in stocks and investments,” adding that you “could win big.”

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Read the original article on People.