Obama Eats Bear Leftovers on ‘Running Wild With Bear Grylls’

President Obama left the security bubble of his Secret Service detail on Thursday’s Running Wild With Bear Grylls to hike around Alaska with the British adventurer. Obama was in the skilled hands of the survivalist to see shrinking glaciers. To get to them, the two had to hike through woods where bears are known to live. After seeing the magnitude of the glaciers and just how much they’ve receded, even during his presidency, Obama was treated to lunch. He hoped the meal didn’t still have eyes or legs attached. Bear pulled out pieces of fish that had been bitten by a bear. Grylls remarked, “I think the president was a little surprised when I pulled out this bloody carcass of half-eaten salmon.” Obama said, “I’ve seen some of the things Bear eats, and a piece of salmon will work just fine.” The two cooked the fish and seemed to actually enjoy it. While they dined al fresco, they chatted about the importance of preserving glaciers and the environment. Obama said that seeing the vanishing glacier “underscored why it’s important to pay attention to climate change.”

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