There’s Now a List of the Most Contrarian Film Critics, Including Four From IndieWire

Everyone’s a critic, but some are more agreeable than others. Gizmodo has put together a list of the most contrarian film reviewers around, using a just-for-fun methodology that, like all such endeavors, gives a general idea of its subject while being far from definitive.

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Using individual critics’ average scores on Metacritic — and, more importantly, how far they diverge from a movie’s overall score — they listed 366 people from most contrarian to most agreeable. All your favorite IndieWire writers are represented: Eric Kohn (who’s singled out as one of the “barometers” of critical opinion) comes in at 311, David Ehrlich is 78, Kate Erbland shows up at 229, and yours truly is practically her neighbor at 235.

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Armond White, often cited as the most contrarian critic around, isn’t included for the simple reason that his reviews aren’t on Metacritic; neither, for that matter, are several other notable writers. Avail yourself of the full list here and confirm your biases against whichever critics you’ve never liked.

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