November’s boring-not boring elections | Brawner

Steve Brawner
Steve Brawner

If legalized recreational marijuana doesn’t make the November ballot, the election in Arkansas could become pretty boring. But that doesn’t mean the elections everywhere will be.

The citizen-led marijuana amendment was denied entry to the ballot because the Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners objected to its wording – in particular, that it did not specify whether there would be a limit on tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, in edibles. THC is marijuana’s main intoxicant.

Responsible Growth Arkansas, the group pushing the proposed amendment, appealed the decision to the Arkansas Supreme Court, which on Thursday ordered the amendment to be conditionally certified while it conducts an expedited review by Aug. 25, the deadline for certification.

The Supreme Court tends to find reasons, good or not, to keep ballot initiatives led by citizens off the ballot. We’ll see about this one.

Another citizen-led amendment that would have removed Pope County as one of the state’s four locations for casino licenses also failed to make the ballot for two reasons. The commissioners didn’t like the wording, and its supporters didn’t collect enough signatures, according to Thurston’s office. The two strikes doomed it.

With those off the ballot, voters will be left with three proposed constitutional amendments referred by lawmakers.

Issue 1 would allow state legislators to call themselves into special session. Currently only the governor can do that.

Issue 2 would increase to 60% the percentage of voters needed to pass a state constitutional amendment. It also would do the same for initiated acts, which are laws initiated by citizens instead of passed by lawmakers.

Issue 3 would create the Arkansas Religious Freedom Amendment, which says state government could burden a person’s freedom of religion only if it demonstrates that doing so “is in furtherance of a compelling government interest; and is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling government interest.”

More on each of those later.

As for the ballot slots occupied by people, there won’t be much drama in Arkansas’ state and national races. Republicans are the heavy favorite in the governor’s race and in all the statewide elections. No Democrat running for a statewide race has topped 40% since 2014. Republicans occupy 106 of the Legislature’s 135 seats, and they could occupy more after November – especially with the new district maps being drawn by Republicans.

Republicans also will dominate Arkansas’ congressional races. Sen. John Boozman and all four incumbent U.S. House members have poorly funded opponents. There is no plausible scenario – short of death – where they wouldn’t return to Washington, and even then, they probably would get the most votes.

Given all that, is there any reason to be interested in this year’s elections involving candidates? Sure there is. Local and school board races will be competitive. There’s also a race for an Arkansas Supreme Court seat between Justice Robin Wynne and District Judge Chris Carnahan.

Mostly, the races to watch will be those occurring in other states. Most congressional races elsewhere will be like Arkansas’ – certain to be dominated by one party. But there will be enough competitive races that we won’t know who controls the House and Senate until the votes are counted.

Ordinarily, the Republicans would be expected to do well. The party that loses the presidential election usually does better in the following midterms. Its voters are madder.

But this year everybody’s plenty mad. Many Democrats and Democratic-leaning voters will be extra motivated because the Supreme Court ended nationwide legalized abortion. The FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s estate may turn up the volume on the Republican side.

Republicans likely will take the House. The Senate is more of a toss-up because 21 Republican-held seats are up for reelection but only 14 Democratic-controlled seats are.

How Congress looks in January will affect Arkansas’ congressional delegation personally. Being in the majority would mean they might get some things passed or, more likely, be in a much stronger position to oppose President Joe Biden. Staying in the minority would mean spending the next two years flying back and forth to Washington, D.C., mostly just to keep saying no.

That would get boring.

Steve Brawner is a freelance journalist and syndicated columnist. Email him at or follow him on Twitter at @stevebrawner.

This article originally appeared on Fort Smith Times Record: Steve Brawner: November’s boring-not boring elections