‘They’re Not Like A Mother And Son, And Everybody Around Can See That,’ Claims Woman Of Her Mom And Half Brother

‘They’re Not Like A Mother And Son, And Everybody Around Can See That,’ Claims Woman Of Her Mom And Half Brother

Lorie and John, the adult son she placed for adoption when she was 15, reunited in person in 2017 after finding each other on social media several years ago. But Lorie’s husband, Dan, and their two daughters, Ashley and Stefanie, claim she and John, 26, have a “toxic” relationship.

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The sisters, who admit they don’t have a relationship with their half-brother, say they feel the physical affection that goes on between John and their mother is inappropriate.

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“They’re not like a mother and son, and everybody around can see that,” says Stefanie. Both John and Lorie deny there is anything inappropriate going on.

The sisters also say they’re concerned that John is physically abusing Lorie and that she has been trying to hide it.

“He’s strong. He’s a big guy,” says Ashley, adding, “He has the power to kill my mom if he really wanted to.”

“My own daughters don’t want John to be part of the family because they’re very jealous of him,” says Lorie, who admits John has hit, choked and bitten her in the past.

Continuing, she says, “There’s a new man in their life, and they don’t like how he’s violent, and they don’t like how close we are.”

Admitting that he has had physical altercations with Lorie in the past, John, who was diagnosed on the autism spectrum at age 4, acknowledges he sometimes struggles to control his anger and aggression.

When Dr. Phil tells Lorie he believes she’s sabotaging her relationships with John as well as the rest of her family, how does she respond?

Watch Monday’s episode to see who Dr. Phil brings in to try and help.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder: Neurological Not Psychological