North West in Her Own Words: ‘Jhjhh'/’


North West (Splash News)

North West heard that you were all talking about her little brother Saint, so she went and changed the narrative. At just two-and-a-half years old, North displays a sense of agency many adults can’t fully control until their 30s.

Sunday night, North got a hold of her mom’s cell phone and fired off a quick tweet: “jhjhh’/.”

That tweet has since amassed more than 16,000 retweets.

Two hours later, Kim Kardashian realized that North had staged a hostile coup on her Twitter account.

This is not North’s first foray into social media. In November, North managed to post a thirst trap on Kim’s Instagram, and in October she was able to rack up enough debt via in-app purchases that Kanye West felt compelled to speak out about it.

“F**k any game company that puts in-app purchases on kids games!!!” he shouted, adding, “That makes no sense!!! We give the iPad to our child and every 5 minutes there’s a new purchase!!!”

So here’s to you, North West. You’ve been blessed with your mother’s knack for getting attention and both your parents’ mischievous sides.