Nintendo Switch's 'Arms' adds a fighter with robotic scorpion fists

Yes, you read that correctly.

Nintendo seems keen to address Arms' overall thin initial offerings in terms of stages, characters and modes. Since launch the game has been updated a handful of times to add more, and today brings another. Arms 4.0 adds Misango, a man with robotic scorpions for fists. Yes, really. He also has a mask that can help guard against facial damage. There's also a new stage that Misango calls home, and you can see that in the trailer embedded below. Nintendo hasn't updated the fighter overview page online just yet -- or the patch notes -- so it isn't clear what else Misango will bring with him.

Last month's 3.2 update added badges for completing milestones within the game and a replay feature along with a slew of balance adjustments for the entire roster of fighters. And before that, the 3.0 update added several fighters in addition to gameplay tweaks. Rest assured, it's incredibly likely that Mr. Scorpion Fists isn't the only new bit that's out today.