Late night hosts beat up on Biden following Democratic debate

It was a rough night for Joe Biden on Wednesday, and not just because of the debate, late-night hosts also hit the former VP pretty hard. Biden was the frontrunner heading into Wednesday's debate, so naturally, the other candidates took shots at him throughout the night, and that trend continued on The Daily Show. Responding to an exchange between Biden and New York's Bill de Blasio, where Biden said: "I don't know what math you do in New York," Trevor Noah joked, "Hey, I will tell you what kind of math we got in New York, number one and number two, asshole, that's the kind of math we got here" On NBC's Late Night, host Seth Meyers thought 'Uncle Joe' showed his age, especially when greeting his rival from the first debate, Senator Kamala Harris. When the candidates took the stage for introduction, Biden was heard telling Harris, "Go easy on me, kid." To which, Seth Meyers mocked the former vice president, "If you don't want to seem old, don't talk like you're in a Humphrey Bogart movie "Go easy on me, kid, we'll always have Detroit." Meyers also pointed to the way Biden closed out the debate. Each candidate took turns making their final remarks, and then encouraged viewers to visit their campaign website. But, Joe may have been a little mixed up from all that debating because he said, "If you agree with me, go to Joe 30330." With Meyers asking, "Joe 30330, is that the name of your homemade rocket ship?" Meyer's wasn't the only host to bust Biden's chops for his website flub. On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert also called out the former vp for not sticking the landing and mocked "Go to Joe 30330. And send an evite to Scranton joe@1942 at Then, ring up Pennsylvania 6500 and ask for lulu. She'll show you a grand old time."