Nielsen, EDO Integrate Data on Viewership, Outcomes


Nielsen and EDO said they made a deal that will integrate Nielsen One audience data with EDO’s outcome measurement, enabling mutual clients to plan and measure the results of advertising campaigns.

Nielsen will make its Nielsen One audience data available as an input to EDO’s predictive outcome products. EDO plans to make its outcomes measurement data available as an input of Nielsen’s Media Impact planning software.

Kevin Krim EDO
Kevin Krim EDO

“For years, our clients have manually combined Nielsen reach and frequency with EDO predictive outcomes to get the most out of their investment decisions and campaign plans, but the complexity of a streaming and linear landscape demands better solutions,” EDO president and CEO Kevin Krim said. “Data-driven software tools - powered by the best signals — are the clear answer. By connecting these critical datasets in both our platforms, we are offering a multidimensional view to meet the needs of convergent TV.”

The integration will join Nielsen’s currency-grade National TV measurement, including its live streaming measurement, with EDO’s robust convergent TV database. In a later phase, Nielsen intends to integrate EDO’s predictive outcomes data into Nielsen One Ads, providing clients with the end-to-end ability to plan, measure, and optimize campaign performance.

“For a century now, Nielsen has provided great value to the industry with measurement data made available through our own products,” Nielsen chief product officer Deirdre Thomas said. “With EDO, we are taking the first step towards extending that same value beyond our own tools and allowing the power of our audience measurement to be integrated alongside other datasets and enhance other applications. We believe this interoperability will drive the next era of impactful, responsive media and advertising planning.”

The combined datasets will be available for linear planning in 2023. Linear and connected TV planning and measurement will be made available in 2024.

“[Warner Bros. Discovery] has an unparalleled array of premium programming and audiences across streaming and linear, demanding innovative measurement solutions that can reflect our quality and scale,” Warner Bros. Discovery chief U.S. advertising sales officer Jon Steinlauf said. “By integrating Nielsen and EDO data into a unified view, WBD can be that much more effective at helping brands achieve optimal reach, frequency, engagement, and business outcomes.”