Zac Efron 'Bitten' By A Crazed Fan?

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An unruly admirer may have just scored the ultimate fan trophy from our dear Zac Efron.

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Arriving to the European premiere of his newest film, The Lucky One, Zac received quite a bit of attention from the press as he was spotted sporting a heavily bandaged hand. When asked by journalists about his injury, he simply replied: "a fan bit me."

While The Daily Mail attributes the wound to be a result of a "fruit-related accident" (huh?), the Zefron may very well be pulling our leg. Let's face it-- there is no shortage of crazies who wouldn't hesitate to take a big old bite of Zac's hand…or worse.

What do you think? Did a fan really get a bite out of Zac or is he just joking around?

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