'True Blood' Star Spills On His Shocking Return

A January teaser for the fifth season of True Blood confirmed rumors that Russell Edgington would be exhumed from his cement coffin, but according to actor Denis O'Hare, the former vampire king comes out a whole new man.

"In a strange way, Russell is actually a lot funnier this season," Denis told TheInsider.com at NYC's Lucille Lortel Awards. "He's not toothless, but he's a little more of a comic foil ... until he isn't. And then he becomes very, very vicious again. Which I love."

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Those wondering how Russell could turn the other cheek after being buried alive by Bill and Eric have a friend in me since I asked Denis why he's not out for instant, bloody revenge. Apparently the who and not the what behind his exhumation is to blame (or thank, depending on your perspective). "How he got disinterred made him grateful to somebody and that gratitude may inform his new [personality]," he told me.

PHOTO - New True Blood Poster

A new attitude isn't the only change coming for Russell in season five -- he will also get a new boyfriend and discover a deeper love for the performing arts. "I get to dance, I get to hold a puppy and I get to sing karaoke -- a great 70s classic," Denis said, before quickly adding, "not all at the same time, mind you."

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And if that doesn't have you excited to go back to Bon Temps this summer, perhaps this will. "We're shooting episodes 10 and 11 right now and it's a really interesting season. It's all about vampire politics -- it's like the inside baseball of vampires, which is so fun."

True Blood season five premieres June 10 at 9 p.m. on HBO.

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