These Adorable Kids on ‘Chopped Junior’ Give Us Hope for the Future

On Chopped Junior, the kid competitors taught us that, even in these turbulent times, there is still hope for our future. Just look at what 11-year-old Ben Berinsky, from Cambridge, Mass., said after he was eliminated.

He thanked the judges for the opportunity and said, “If Boston sports have taught me anything, it’s, just because you lose one time doesn’t mean you’re gonna lose the next time.”

There was $10,000 at stake for the winner, but Wyoming native Buck Milligan kept it all in perspective. He said, “If I won $10,000, I would put a lot of it off to college because you need a good education to have a good life.”

In the final round, fifth grader Ruby Jones had a little trouble opening a jug of juice, and Buck proved to be a good sport by attempting to help her open it.

Unfortunately for Ruby, the 10 thousand bucks stopped at, well, Buck. But, if you ask me, all the kids deserved to win.

Watch a kid ballerina beat the competition on Chopped Junior:

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